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Why elevated dog bed?

Why Elevated Dog Beds? A Haven of Comfort and Well-being for Your Canine Companion

Ever noticed your dog seeking out elevated spots to rest? There’s a reason behind their instinctual behavior. Elevated dog beds have gained popularity for good reason – they offer a range of benefits that promote your furry friend’s overall comfort and well-being.

Elevated dog beds provide optimal airflow, keeping your pet cool during warm weather and protecting them from cold floors in winter.

Additionally, these beds offer crucial joint support, easing pressure on muscles and joints, particularly important for senior dogs or those with orthopedic issues.

Moreover, elevated beds create a sense of security, giving your dog their dedicated space.

In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why elevated dog beds are a wise investment for your pet’s health and happiness.

Why elevated dog bed?

Discover the advantages, features to consider, and expert advice to help you choose the perfect elevated bed for your beloved canine companion. Here check out how to make a dog burrow bed? 

Why  use elevated dog bed?

Elevated dog beds offer several benefits for dogs and their owners. They provide a comfortable and supportive surface for dogs to rest and sleep on, keeping them off the cold, hard ground.

The raised design promotes better air circulation, keeping dogs cool in warm weather. Elevated beds can also help alleviate joint and pressure point pain in older or arthritic dogs.

Additionally, they are easier to clean and can deter pests like fleas and ticks.

What are the benefits of using an elevated dog bed?

1. Elevated dog beds provide firm support

One of the key benefits of using an elevated dog bed is that it provides firm support for the dog’s body. Unlike traditional dog beds that are often soft and cushiony, elevated beds offer a solid and sturdy surface.

This firm support is particularly beneficial for dogs with joint issues or arthritis, as it helps distribute their weight evenly and reduces pressure on sensitive areas.

The firmness of the bed also helps maintain proper alignment of the dog’s spine, promoting better posture and overall comfort during rest and sleep.

2. Elevated dog beds can’t be chewed up

Another benefit of using an elevated dog bed is that it is less likely to be chewed up by dogs. Traditional dog beds with soft materials are often enticing for dogs to chew on, especially for puppies or dogs with a chewing habit.

In contrast, elevated beds are typically made of durable materials such as metal frames or strong fabric.

The elevated design also makes it harder for dogs to access and chew on the bed, reducing the risk of damage and the need for frequent replacements.

3. Elevated dog beds are easier to clean

Using an elevated dog bed comes with the advantage of easier cleaning. Unlike traditional dog beds that may accumulate dirt, hair, and debris on the surface, elevated beds are typically designed with a breathable mesh or durable fabric stretched across a frame.

This construction allows for easy removal and cleaning of the bed by simply wiping or hosing down the fabric.

The raised design also prevents dirt and dust from accumulating underneath the bed, making it more hygienic and convenient to maintain cleanliness for both the dog and the surrounding area.

Here check out how to clean dog bed foam.

4. Elevated dog beds keep your dog cooler in hot weather

One of the benefits of using an elevated dog bed is that it helps keep your dog cooler in hot weather. The raised design allows for increased airflow underneath the bed, which helps to dissipate heat and prevent the dog from directly lying on hot surfaces.

This helps to regulate the dog’s body temperature and reduce the risk of overheating.

Additionally, elevated beds often have breathable fabrics that allow air to circulate, further enhancing the cooling effect and providing a comfortable resting place for your dog during warm seasons.

5. Elevated dog beds are portable

One of the benefits of using an elevated dog bed is its portability. Elevated beds are typically lightweight and easy to transport, making them convenient for various situations.

Whether you’re going on a camping trip, visiting friends or family, or simply rearranging furniture at home, you can easily move the elevated bed to provide your dog with a comfortable resting spot.

Why elevated dog bed?

The portable nature of elevated beds allows for flexibility and ensures that your dog always has a familiar and cozy place to relax, regardless of the location.

Are there any downsides to using an elevated dog bed?

1. Dogs with joint problems may struggle to get on

One potential downside of using an elevated dog bed is that dogs with joint problems or mobility issues may struggle to get on and off the bed.

The raised design requires the dog to climb or jump onto the elevated surface, which can be challenging for dogs with arthritis, hip dysplasia, or other joint conditions.

It may cause discomfort or strain on their joints, potentially exacerbating their existing issues.

In such cases, it’s important to consider the individual needs of the dog and provide alternative options that offer easier access and support for their specific mobility limitations.

2. Some assembly is required

One potential downside of using an elevated dog bed is that some assembly may be required. Unlike traditional dog beds that come fully assembled, elevated beds often come in parts that need to be put together.

This can be time-consuming and may require following specific instructions or using tools for assembly.

For individuals who are not comfortable with assembling furniture or have limited time, the process can be seen as an inconvenience.

However, it’s worth noting that many elevated dog beds come with straightforward assembly instructions and require minimal effort to put together.

What are the best elevated dog beds?

1. Small Raised Dog Bed 

One popular type of elevated dog bed is the small raised dog bed. These beds are specifically designed for small breeds or puppies.

They feature a compact size and lower height, providing a comfortable elevated surface that is proportionate to their size. Small raised dog beds often have a sturdy frame made of materials like metal or plastic, with a breathable fabric stretched across it.

They offer the same benefits as larger elevated beds, such as improved air circulation, joint support, and easy cleaning, while catering to the needs of smaller dogs.

2. Medium Elevated Dog Bed

Another type of elevated dog bed is the medium elevated dog bed, which is designed for dogs of medium-sized breeds. These beds offer a balance between size and elevation.

They feature a larger surface area and a slightly higher height compared to small raised dog beds. Medium elevated dog beds typically have a durable frame, often made of metal or strong plastic, with a comfortable and breathable fabric stretched across it.

They provide the same advantages of improved airflow, joint support, and easy maintenance, catering specifically to medium-sized dogs’ needs for a comfortable and elevated resting place

3. Large Raised Dog Bed

The large raised dog bed is a type of elevated dog bed designed for larger dog breeds. These beds offer a spacious surface area and a higher elevation to accommodate the size and weight of bigger dogs.

They typically feature a robust and sturdy frame constructed from materials like metal or heavy-duty plastic, ensuring durability and stability.

The fabric used is often strong and breathable, providing optimal comfort and airflow. Large raised dog beds provide ample support for larger dogs, promote joint health, and offer a comfortable elevated resting spot for them.

4. Elevated Outdoor Dog Bed

The elevated outdoor dog bed is a specialized type of elevated dog bed designed specifically for outdoor use. These beds are constructed with durable and weather-resistant materials to withstand outdoor elements.

They often feature a rust-resistant metal frame and a rugged, waterproof fabric stretched across it. The elevated design keeps the dog off the ground, providing insulation against cold surfaces and preventing moisture from seeping through.

Elevated outdoor dog beds are ideal for outdoor environments, such as patios, decks, or camping trips, ensuring that your dog has a comfortable and protected place to rest outdoors.

5. Elevated Dog Bed With Stairs 

The elevated dog bed with stairs is a unique type of elevated dog bed that includes built-in stairs or steps for easy access. This design is particularly beneficial for dogs with mobility issues, such as seniors or those with joint problems.

The stairs provide a gradual and safe way for dogs to climb onto the elevated surface without straining their joints or muscles.

The bed itself typically features a sturdy frame and a comfortable fabric surface, offering the benefits of elevation, support, and improved airflow while addressing accessibility needs for dogs requiring assistance to get on and off the bed.

Here check out how to keep dog hair bed form bed.

6. Raised Wooden Dog Bed

The raised wooden dog bed is a popular type of elevated dog bed that offers a natural and stylish option for pet owners. These beds are typically made with a sturdy wooden frame, providing a durable and aesthetically pleasing design.

Why elevated dog bed?

The wooden construction offers stability and durability while adding a touch of elegance to any home decor. The elevated platform is often paired with a comfortable cushion or mattress for the dog’s comfort.

Raised wooden dog beds provide the benefits of elevation, joint support, and easy cleaning, while adding a warm and inviting touch to the living space.

7. High Rise Dog Bed

The high rise dog bed is a specialized type of elevated dog bed designed for dogs that prefer a higher vantage point or elevated view. These beds feature a taller frame, elevating the dog even higher off the ground.

The higher position allows the dog to have a better view of their surroundings, which can be particularly appealing for dogs that enjoy observing their environment.

High rise dog beds often have a sturdy frame and a comfortable fabric surface, providing the benefits of elevation, support, and a unique elevated perspective for the dog.

8. Waterproof Elevated Dog Bed

The waterproof elevated dog bed is a highly practical type of elevated dog bed designed to withstand moisture and provide a dry resting surface.

These beds are typically constructed with a waterproof fabric that prevents liquids from seeping through, making them ideal for outdoor use or dogs that may have accidents or wet paws. The elevated design helps keep the dog off damp or muddy ground, providing a comfortable and dry spot.

Waterproof elevated dog beds offer the benefits of elevation, durability, easy maintenance, and a moisture-resistant surface for the dog’s comfort.

9. Raised Dog Bed with Sides 

The raised dog bed with sides is a type of elevated dog bed that features elevated edges or sides surrounding the sleeping surface. These raised sides act as a supportive and comforting boundary for the dog while they rest. They provide a sense of security and prevent the dog from accidentally rolling off the bed.

Raised dog beds with sides are particularly beneficial for dogs that enjoy curling up or leaning against something while they sleep.

They offer the advantages of elevation, joint support, and a cozy enclosed space for the dog’s relaxation and peace of mind.

10. Indoor Elevated Dog Bed 

The indoor elevated dog bed is a type of elevated bed designed specifically for indoor use. These beds are typically constructed with a sturdy frame and a comfortable fabric surface, blending well with indoor decor.

The elevated design keeps the dog off the floor, providing insulation and protection against cold or drafty surfaces.

Indoor elevated dog beds offer the benefits of elevation, improved airflow, joint support, and easy cleaning, ensuring that your dog has a comfortable and designated resting place within your home.

11. Portable Elevated Dog Bed

The portable elevated dog bed is a type of elevated bed that is designed for easy transport and convenience.

These beds are lightweight, compact, and typically come with a foldable or collapsible frame, making them highly portable.

They are ideal for traveling, camping, or simply moving around the house. Portable elevated dog beds provide the benefits of elevation, support, and improved airflow, while their portable nature ensures that your dog always has a comfortable place to rest, regardless of the location or situation.

12. Elevated Dog Bed Next To Human Bed

The elevated dog bed next to a human bed is a type of elevated bed designed to be placed alongside the owner’s bed.

These beds often have a similar height and dimensions as the human bed, allowing the dog to sleep comfortably at the same level as their owner. This design promotes a sense of closeness and companionship.

How to clean dog bed foam?

Elevated dog beds next to human beds offer the benefits of elevation, joint support, and a shared sleeping space, ensuring that both the dog and the owner can rest in close proximity.

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The process of assembling a raised dog bed may vary depending on the specific design and manufacturer. Generally, it involves unpacking the bed and identifying the different components, such as the frame, legs, and fabric.

Following the provided instructions, you typically need to attach the legs to the frame, secure them tightly, and then attach the fabric by stretching it over the frame and securing it in place.

It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to ensure proper assembly and stability of the raised dog bed.

Does The Elevated Dog Bed Work?

Yes, elevated dog beds are effective and serve their intended purpose. They offer several benefits, such as providing a comfortable resting place for dogs, promoting airflow to keep them cool, preventing direct contact with cold or hot surfaces, and supporting their joints.

Elevated dog beds also help with cleanliness, as they are easier to clean and can prevent dirt and pests from reaching the dog.

Overall, elevated dog beds have proven to be beneficial and widely used by dog owners for their pets’ comfort and well-being.

Can You Put an Elevated Dog Bed Outside?

Yes, elevated dog beds are suitable for outdoor use. In fact, many elevated dog beds are specifically designed to withstand outdoor elements.

They are made with durable materials that are resistant to moisture, UV rays, and other environmental factors. Elevated dog beds provide a comfortable and elevated resting spot for dogs outdoors, keeping them off the ground, promoting airflow, and protecting them from cold or damp surfaces.

However, it’s important to choose an elevated dog bed specifically labeled for outdoor use to ensure it can withstand the conditions it will be exposed to.

Are Elevated Dog Beds The Best Option?

Elevated dog beds can be a great option for many dogs, but whether they are the best option depends on individual circumstances. Elevated beds offer benefits such as improved airflow, joint support, and easy cleaning.

However, factors such as the dog’s size, age, health conditions, and personal preferences should be considered.

Some dogs may prefer softer beds or have specific needs that require a different type of bed. It’s important to assess your dog’s unique requirements and consult with a veterinarian to determine the best bed option for them.

Where To Put An Elevated Bed?

Elevated dog beds can be placed in various locations depending on your dog’s needs and your living space. Indoor elevated beds can be placed in any area of your home where your dog feels comfortable and where you spend time together. Outdoor elevated beds are suitable for patios, decks, or outdoor spaces.

It’s important to choose a location that provides shade, protection from the elements, and is easily accessible for your dog.

Consider placing the bed in an area where your dog can still be a part of family activities while having a designated resting spot.

How Long Will a Raised Dog Bed Last?

The lifespan of a raised dog bed can vary depending on factors such as the quality of materials, construction, usage, and maintenance. A well-made and durable raised dog bed can last several years, providing your dog with a comfortable and elevated resting place.

However, wear and tear, frequent use, exposure to harsh weather conditions, and the weight and activity level of your dog can affect its longevity.

Regular inspection, cleaning, and proper maintenance can help extend the lifespan of a raised dog bed.

Do elevated dog beds work?

Yes, elevated dog beds are effective and serve their intended purpose. They offer several benefits, such as providing a comfortable and supportive surface for dogs to rest on, promoting airflow to keep them cool, and protecting them from cold or hot surfaces.

Elevated dog beds can also help to alleviate joint pressure, reduce the risk of developing sores, and provide a hygienic sleeping area.

Overall, elevated dog beds have proven to be popular and successful in providing comfort and well-being for dogs.

How do I choose an elevated dog bed? 

When choosing an elevated dog bed, consider factors such as your dog’s size, breed, and health conditions. Look for a bed that provides adequate support for their weight and offers the appropriate size.

Consider the bed’s durability, stability, and ease of assembly. Assess the material used for the frame and fabric, ensuring it is sturdy and easy to clean.

Additionally, consider the bed’s design, whether it has features like raised sides or a portable foldable frame, and choose based on your dog’s preferences and specific needs.

Do dogs prefer framed beds or soft beds?

The preference between framed beds and soft beds can vary among individual dogs. Some dogs may prefer the support and structure provided by framed beds, which offer a stable surface and elevated support.

On the other hand, other dogs may prefer the plushness and comfort of soft beds, which offer a cozy and cushioned surface. Ultimately, it depends on the dog’s personal preferences, comfort needs, and any specific health conditions they may have.

It is recommended to observe your dog’s behavior and provide them with the type of bed that they seem to enjoy and find most comfortable.

Are dog beds necessary?

Dog beds are not essential for every dog, but they are highly beneficial and recommended for several reasons.

Dog beds provide a designated space for dogs to rest and sleep, offering comfort, support, and insulation. They can help protect dogs from cold or hot surfaces, promote better sleep quality, and provide a hygienic and personal sleeping area.

Additionally, dog beds can help manage shedding and keep furniture or floors clean. Overall, while not strictly necessary, dog beds greatly contribute to a dog’s well-being and comfort.

How often should you clean an elevated dog bed?

The frequency of cleaning an elevated dog bed depends on various factors, such as the dog’s shedding, activity level, and any specific hygiene needs.

As a general guideline, it is recommended to clean an elevated dog bed at least once every few weeks or as needed. Regularly remove loose hair, debris, and any stains promptly.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, which may involve spot cleaning, machine washing the fabric, and wiping down the frame. Keeping the elevated dog bed clean helps maintain hygiene and ensures a comfortable resting place for your dog.

Can a cat sleep in my dog’s bed?

Yes, it is possible for a cat to sleep in a dog’s bed. Cats are known for their ability to find cozy and comfortable spots, and they may be attracted to the softness and warmth of a dog’s bed.

However, whether a cat will choose to sleep in a dog’s bed ultimately depends on the individual cat’s preferences and behavior. Some cats may be more inclined to use the dog’s bed, while others may prefer their own designated sleeping areas.


In conclusion, elevated dog beds offer numerous benefits that make them a wise choice for pet owners. These beds provide improved comfort and support, relieving pressure on joints and muscles. The elevated design allows for better air circulation, keeping dogs cool and comfortable.

They are also easy to clean, hygienic, and resistant to pests, ensuring a clean and safe sleeping environment.

Additionally, elevated dog beds are versatile and portable, suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

By investing in an elevated dog bed, pet owners can prioritize their furry friends’ well-being and provide them with a cozy and healthy resting place.


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