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Why does my dog dig on my bed when excited?

If you are a dog owner, you may have encountered the curious behavior of your furry companion digging on your bed when excited.

While it might seem puzzling, this action is rooted in your dog’s instincts and emotions.

This article will explore the reasons behind this behavior and discuss effective ways to address and manage it.

Let’s have a look at some reason why your dog dig your bed when excited. Here look up why does your male dog pee on your bed?

Why your dog dig your bed when excited?

When a dog digs on your bed when excited, it’s likely displaying a natural instinctual behavior that stems from their ancestry as wild animals.

Why does my dog dig on my bed when excited?

Dogs have an innate desire to dig and create nests or burrows for various reasons. Here are some possible explanations for this behavior:

1. Denning Instinct:

Dogs are den animals by nature, and digging can be a way for them to create a comfortable and secure space. Your bed may provide a cozy spot that your dog associates with comfort and safety, especially if it smells like you.

2. Marking Territory:

Digging can be a way for dogs to mark their territory or claim ownership. By digging on your bed, they may be leaving their scent behind, signaling to other animals that this spot is now “theirs.” Here look up why does your dog lick you before bed?

3. Release of Energy:

Excitement often increases energy levels, and digging can be a way for your dog to release that pent-up energy. It’s a physical activity that helps them cope with their emotions.

4. Attention-Seeking:

Dogs may dig on your bed to gain your attention. They might have learned that this behavior gets a reaction from you, whether it’s positive or negative, and they are seeking interaction.

5. Boredom or Anxiety:

Digging can be a coping mechanism for dogs experiencing boredom or anxiety. If your dog is left alone for extended periods or feels stressed, they may resort to digging as a way to self-soothe.

Why does my dog dig on my bed when excited? (5 reasons)

1. Understanding Canine Behavior

Dogs’ Natural Instincts

Digging is an innate behavior in dogs that dates back to their wild ancestors. In the wild, canines would dig to create shelter, protect their young, or store food. Although domesticated, this primal instinct is still present in today’s dogs.

Digging as an Expression of Emotion

Dogs often communicate their emotions through body language and actions. Here why does your dog bringing poop in his bed?

Why does my dog dig on my bed when excited?

Digging can be a manifestation of excitement, especially when they encounter something enjoyable or when their favorite human returns home. It’s their way of expressing happiness and anticipation.

Digging for Comfort and Safety

In addition to emotions, dogs may dig on the bed for comfort and security. The softness of the bedding mimics the feeling of digging into the earth, which can be soothing and reminiscent of their natural denning instincts.

2. Excitement-Related Digging

Uncontainable Joy

Excitement-related digging usually occurs when your dog is overwhelmed with joy. The sight of their owner, the prospect of a walk, or the anticipation of playtime can trigger this behavior.

It is essential to differentiate this type of digging from destructive behavior, as it stems from positive emotions. Here check out how to clean a dog bed?

An Outlet for Excess Energy

Young and energetic dogs may resort to digging as a way to release pent-up energy. If they haven’t had enough physical and mental stimulation throughout the day, they may engage in this behavior to occupy themselves.

3. Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Regular Exercise and Playtime

To reduce excitement-related digging, ensure that your dog gets plenty of exercise and playtime during the day. A tired dog is less likely to engage in excessive digging as they will have expended their energy in a positive manner.

Creating a Calming Environment

Make the sleeping area conducive to relaxation. Create a designated space for your dog with their favorite toys and bedding. This will provide them with a sense of ownership and encourage them to view this spot as their safe haven.

Providing Alternative Digging Spots

Offering alternative outlets for digging can be effective. Consider setting up a digging box in the yard filled with sand or soil where your dog can freely indulge in their digging instincts.

4. Training and Behavioral Solutions

Positive Reinforcement Training

Use positive reinforcement to train your dog not to dig on the bed. Reward them with treats or praise when they dig in designated areas instead of the bed. Here why does your dog hump his bed?

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Redirecting the Behavior

If you catch your dog digging on the bed, gently redirect their attention to a more appropriate activity, like playing with their toys. Consistency is key to modifying their behavior.

Seeking Professional Help

If the digging behavior becomes excessive or problematic, consult a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist. They can provide personalized guidance and tailored solutions to address the issue effectively.

5. Understanding Behavioral Changes

Anxiety and Stress

In some cases, excessive digging on the bed may be a sign of anxiety or stress in your dog.

Changes in the household, such as moving to a new home or the introduction of a new pet, can trigger such behaviors. Take note of any recent changes that may be affecting your dog’s emotional state.

Major Life Changes

Significant life events, such as the loss of a family member or another pet, can also lead to behavioral changes in dogs. Show your dog patience, love, and support during these times, and consider professional help if needed. Here what can you do to stop chewing?

How to prevent your dog from digging in bed when excited?

To address this behaviour:

  • Provide an Alternative:

Offer your dog an appropriate digging area, like a sandbox or a designated spot in the yard, where they can fulfill their digging instincts without causing any damage.

  • Positive Reinforcement:

When your dog displays desired behavior (not digging on the bed), reward them with treats or praise to reinforce their good actions.

  • Increase Exercise and Mental Stimulation:

Make sure your dog gets enough physical exercise and mental stimulation through walks, playtime, and interactive toys to reduce excess energy and boredom.

  • Address Anxiety:

If you suspect anxiety might be the cause, consider consulting with a veterinarian or professional dog trainer to explore ways to alleviate your dog’s stress. Here why does your dog sneak into your bed at night?

Why does my dog lick me a lot before bed?

Thus, every dog is unique, so understanding the specific reasons behind your dog’s behavior can help you find the most effective solutions.

Patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement are key when training your dog to modify any unwanted behavior.


Is digging on the bed a sign of a health issue?

Digging on the bed is typically not a sign of a health issue. It is more likely a normal canine behavior related to excitement or comfort. However, if you notice any unusual behaviors or signs of distress, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian.

Can I train my dog not to dig on the bed?

Yes, you can train your dog not to dig on the bed. Use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage them to use designated digging spots instead.

Should I scold my dog for digging on the bed?

Scolding your dog for digging on the bed may create fear and confusion. It’s better to redirect their behavior positively and provide them with alternative digging spots.

Why does my dog only dig on my bed and not others?

Your dog may dig on your bed because it associates your scent with comfort and safety. It may also view your bed as its territory.

Can neutering/spaying help reduce this behaviour?

Neutering or spaying may help reduce certain behavioural issues, but its impact on digging behaviour can vary. Consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviourist for personalized advice.


Digging on the bed when excited is a natural behaviour for dogs, stemming from their instincts and emotions. Understanding the reasons behind this behaviour is crucial in effectively managing it.

By providing alternative digging spots, regular exercise, and positive reinforcement training, you can redirect their enthusiasm to more appropriate outlets.

Remember to create a calming environment and be attentive to any underlying stress or anxiety that may contribute to this behaviour.


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