
Why do dogs dig on bed and couches?

Ever wondered why dogs dig relentlessly on beds and couches, turning them into fluffy nests or excavated caves?

It’s a common sight for many pet owners, prompting curiosity about this quirky canine behavior.

Dogs dig on beds and couches primarily as a nesting instinct, reminiscent of their ancestral habits of creating comfortable, secure dens for rest and protection.

This behavior can also indicate boredom, anxiety, or the need for additional warmth.

Curious to delve deeper into your furry friend’s intriguing behaviors?

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Discover the fascinating reasons behind why dogs dig on bed and couches, uncovering insights from renowned animal behaviorists and trainers. Let’s unravel the mystery together!

Why do dogs dig on bed and couches?

Dogs dig on beds and couches for several reasons, often related to their natural instincts and behaviors:

  1. Nesting Instinct: Dogs may dig to create a comfortable spot to rest or sleep. This behavior is instinctual, as in the wild, dogs would dig nests for warmth and security.
  2. Scent Marking: Dogs have scent glands in their paws, and scratching or digging can help them mark their territory with their scent.
  3. Boredom or Anxiety: Dogs may dig out of boredom or anxiety, especially if they’re not getting enough mental or physical stimulation.
  4. Seeking Comfort: Some dogs dig to find cooler or softer spots, especially during hot weather or if the surface they’re on is uncomfortable.
  5. Buried Treasure: Sometimes, dogs bury things they value, such as toys or treats, and they may dig on beds or couches in search of these hidden treasures.

Understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help owners address it appropriately, whether through providing more enrichment, training, or redirecting the behavior to acceptable areas.

9 reasons why do dogs dig on bed and couches?

1. Instinctual Nesting Behavior

Dogs have an instinctual drive to create a comfortable and secure nesting area. In the wild, this behavior is crucial for their survival as it helps them stay warm and protected from predators.


When dogs dig on beds and couches, they are essentially trying to create a cozy spot where they can rest undisturbed.

This behavior is particularly common in breeds that have a history of burrowing, such as terriers and dachshunds.

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2. Scent Marking and Territory

Dogs have scent glands in their paw pads, and scratching or digging can release their scent onto surfaces.

By digging on beds and couches, dogs are instinctively marking their territory.

This behavior is more prevalent in intact (not neutered or spayed) dogs and those with a strong territorial instinct. It’s their way of saying, “This is my space.”

3. Boredom and Anxiety

Digging can also be a sign of boredom or anxiety in dogs.

When they are not mentally or physically stimulated enough, they may resort to digging as a way to release pent-up energy or alleviate stress.

This behavior can be more common in dogs that are left alone for extended periods without sufficient enrichment or companionship.

4. Seeking Comfort and Coolness

Dogs may dig on beds and couches to find a cooler or softer spot to lie down.

This behavior is especially noticeable during hot weather when dogs seek cooler surfaces to rest on.

Additionally, if the surface they are on is uncomfortable or too warm, they may dig to adjust it to their liking.

5. Buried Treasures

Sometimes, dogs bury their prized possessions like toys, bones, or treats.

If they have hidden such items on or under the bed or couch, they may dig in these areas to retrieve their “buried treasures.”

This behavior is reminiscent of their wild ancestors who buried food for later consumption.

6. Puppies and Exploration

Puppies, in particular, may dig on beds and couches as part of their natural exploration and learning process.

They use their paws and mouths to investigate their surroundings, and digging is one way they interact with new textures and environments.

Providing appropriate chew toys and teaching boundaries can help redirect this behavior.

7. Hunting and Prey Drive

Certain breeds, especially those with a strong prey drive, may dig instinctively as part of their hunting behavior.

They might perceive movements or scents under the bedding or cushions as potential prey, triggering their natural digging instinct.

8. Lack of Proper Training

For some dogs, digging on beds and couches is simply a result of not being taught proper boundaries and behavior.

If they have not been trained to understand where it’s acceptable to dig and where it’s not, they may engage in this behavior indiscriminately.

9. Comfort and Security

Lastly, dogs may dig on beds and couches because they find it comforting and secure.

The act of digging and making a cozy nest can help them feel safe and relaxed, especially in unfamiliar or stressful situations.

Understanding the various reasons behind why dogs dig on beds and couches can help pet owners address this behavior effectively through training, environmental enrichment, and providing appropriate outlets for their natural instincts.

Why do dogs make digging motions on the furniture?

Dogs make digging motions on furniture for several reasons:

  1. Instinctual Behavior: Dogs have a natural instinct to dig, which stems from their ancestral behavior of creating nests or dens for comfort and security.
  2. Marking Territory: Digging can also be a way for dogs to mark their territory with their scent glands located in their paw pads.
  3. Seeking Comfort: Dogs may dig on furniture to create a comfortable spot to rest, especially if they find the surface too hard or uncomfortable.
  4. Hunting or Playful Behavior: Some dogs may exhibit digging motions as part of their hunting or playful behavior, especially if they sense movement or hidden objects beneath the furniture.
  5. Boredom or Anxiety: Dogs may engage in digging motions out of boredom or anxiety, seeking a way to release pent-up energy or alleviate stress.

Understanding the underlying reasons can help owners address the behavior through training, providing appropriate outlets for digging, and ensuring their dog’s physical and mental needs are met.

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Why do dogs sometimes even dig indoors on the sofa and bed?

Dogs may dig indoors on sofas and beds for various reasons:

  1. Nesting Instinct: Dogs have an innate nesting instinct, driving them to create a comfortable spot for rest. This behavior can manifest indoors on sofas and beds, especially if they find the area conducive to nesting.
  2. Comfort Seeking: Dogs may dig on sofas and beds to find a softer or cooler spot, adjusting the bedding or cushions to their liking.
  3. Scent Marking: Digging indoors can also be a way for dogs to mark their territory with their scent glands in their paw pads.
  4. Anxiety or Stress: Dogs may dig indoors due to anxiety or stress, seeking a familiar and secure spot to alleviate their discomfort.
  5. Boredom: Lack of mental or physical stimulation can lead to boredom-induced digging indoors, as dogs try to find ways to entertain themselves.

Addressing the underlying cause, providing appropriate outlets for digging, and ensuring a comfortable environment can help deter this behavior indoors.

What does it mean when your dog tries to dig in your bed at night?

When your dog tries to dig in your bed at night, it could indicate several things:

  1. Nesting Instinct: Your dog may be trying to create a comfortable sleeping spot by instinctively digging and arranging bedding or blankets.
  2. Seeking Warmth: Dogs often dig to adjust their sleeping area to a warmer or cooler temperature, depending on their comfort needs.
  3. Anxiety or Stress: If your dog displays this behavior excessively or suddenly, it could be a sign of anxiety or stress, possibly related to changes in their environment or routine.
  4. Marking Territory: Digging on your bed might also be a way for your dog to mark their scent and claim the area as their own.
  5. Boredom: Dogs may dig out of boredom, especially if they lack sufficient mental and physical stimulation during the day.

Observing your dog’s overall behavior and addressing any underlying issues, such as anxiety or boredom, can help manage this digging behavior at night.

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Providing a comfortable and secure sleeping environment tailored to your dog’s needs may also help alleviate the urge to dig on your bed.

Why does my dog dig at the bed?

Your dog may dig at the bed for various reasons:

  1. Nesting Instinct: Dogs have an innate instinct to create a comfortable nest or den. Digging at the bed may be their way of trying to arrange the bedding to their liking for a cozy sleeping spot.
  2. Seeking Comfort: Dogs may dig at the bed to find a softer or cooler area to lie down, especially if they feel the surface is too firm or warm.
  3. Marking Territory: Digging can also be a way for dogs to mark their scent and claim the bed as their territory, particularly if they sense other animals or unfamiliar scents.
  4. Anxiety or Stress: Excessive digging at the bed could be a sign of anxiety or stress, especially if it occurs during times of change or disruption in their environment.
  5. Boredom: Dogs may dig out of boredom, seeking mental and physical stimulation. Providing enrichment and regular exercise can help alleviate this behavior.

How to stop dog from digging in bed and couches?

To prevent your dog from digging in the bed and couches, you can try these methods:


  1. Provide alternative outlets: Offer your dog a designated digging area with soft soil or sand where they can satisfy their digging instincts.
  2. Increase exercise and mental stimulation: A well-exercised and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to engage in destructive behaviors like digging. Regular walks, playtime, and interactive toys can help.
  3. Correct unwanted behavior: Whenever you catch your dog digging inappropriately, interrupt the behavior with a firm “No” and redirect them to an appropriate activity.
  4. Make the bed and couch less appealing: Use deterrents like double-sided tape or aluminum foil on the edges of the bed and couch to make them less inviting for digging.
  5. Seek professional help if needed: If the behavior persists despite your efforts, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or behaviorist for further guidance.

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Related faq’s

Why is my dog scratching the couch all of a sudden?

Your dog may be scratching the couch all of a sudden due to discomfort, itchiness, boredom, stress, or a desire to mark territory.

It’s essential to rule out any underlying medical issues, provide enough mental and physical stimulation, and train your dog to use appropriate scratching posts or pads.

Why do dogs dig on bed and couches at night?

Dogs may dig on beds and couches at night due to nesting instincts, seeking comfort, adjusting temperature, marking territory, or expressing anxiety or boredom.

Providing a comfortable sleeping environment, engaging in regular exercise, and addressing any underlying anxiety can help reduce this behavior.

Why do dogs dig on bed and couches in the morning?

Dogs may dig on beds and couches in the morning due to waking up from sleep, stretching their muscles, or seeking comfort.

It could also be a way to mark territory or express excitement for the day.

Providing mental and physical stimulation, establishing a consistent routine, and ensuring a comfortable sleeping area may help reduce this behavior.

Why do dogs dig on bed and couches?

Dogs dig on beds and couches due to natural instincts such as nesting, marking territory, seeking comfort, adjusting temperature, expressing boredom, or relieving stress.

Understanding these reasons can help address the behavior by providing appropriate outlets for digging, ensuring comfort and security, and addressing any underlying issues like anxiety or lack of stimulation.

Why do dogs dig on bed and couches all of?

Dogs may dig on beds and couches due to various reasons like nesting instincts, marking territory, seeking comfort, adjusting temperature, relieving stress or anxiety, expressing boredom, or investigating hidden objects.

The behavior can be a combination of these factors depending on the dog’s individual personality and circumstances.

Providing mental and physical stimulation, creating a comfortable environment, and addressing any underlying issues can help discourage excessive digging on furniture.

Why does my dog dig on the couch before she lays down?

Your dog may dig on the couch before laying down due to instinctual nesting behavior. By digging, she’s trying to create a comfortable and secure spot for herself.

This behavior is similar to how dogs in the wild would prepare their sleeping area by digging a nest.

Additionally, digging can help her adjust the bedding or cushions to her liking, ensuring a cozy and comfortable sleeping environment.

Providing her with a designated spot or bed where she can dig and nest may help satisfy this natural instinct without damaging the couch.

Why does my dog scratch my bed sheets?

Your dog may scratch your bed sheets for several reasons.

It could be an instinctual behavior related to nesting, where she’s trying to create a comfortable spot for herself. Dogs also have scent glands in their paws, so scratching can be a way to mark their territory with their scent.

Additionally, if your dog finds the sheets uncomfortable or too warm, she may scratch to adjust them to her liking.

Providing her with a designated spot or bedding where she can scratch and nest may help redirect this behavior and protect your bed sheets.

Female dog digging in bed?

A female dog digging in bed could be due to nesting instincts, seeking comfort, adjusting the bedding, marking territory, expressing anxiety, or boredom. Nesting instincts drive her to create a cozy spot for herself.

She might also be marking her scent on the bed, especially if she’s in heat. Adjusting the bedding could be her way of finding a comfortable position or temperature.

If she’s anxious or bored, digging can serve as a way to release pent-up energy or alleviate stress.

Providing mental stimulation, comfortable bedding, and addressing any underlying anxiety can help manage this behavior.

Why do dogs dig on the sofa or bed?

Dogs dig on sofas or beds for various reasons. It could be instinctual nesting behavior, seeking comfort, marking territory with scent glands in their paws, adjusting bedding for temperature or comfort, expressing boredom, or alleviating stress or anxiety.

Understanding the specific reason behind the digging can help address the behavior effectively.

Providing appropriate outlets for digging, comfortable sleeping areas, mental and physical stimulation, and addressing any underlying issues such as anxiety or boredom can help deter dogs from digging on sofas or beds.

How to stop a dog from digging on a sofa?

To stop a dog from digging on a sofa:

  1. Provide an alternative: Offer a designated digging area with soft bedding or a digging box filled with sand or dirt.
  2. Exercise and enrichment: Ensure your dog gets enough physical and mental stimulation through walks, playtime, and puzzle toys.
  3. Training: Use positive reinforcement techniques to redirect their behavior towards the designated area and reward them for using it.
  4. Comfortable sleeping spot: Ensure your dog has a comfortable and cozy bed where they feel secure and relaxed.
  5. Address underlying issues: If digging persists due to anxiety or boredom, consult a veterinarian or animal behaviorist for guidance.

Why does my dog dig up my bed?

Your dog may be digging up your bed for several reasons. Firstly, it could be an instinctual behavior rooted in their ancestry.

Dogs have a natural instinct to create a comfortable sleeping spot by digging and arranging bedding, mimicking the behavior of wild canids who would create nests for warmth and security.

Secondly, digging can be a way for dogs to mark their territory with their scent glands in their paws.

By digging up the bed, they leave their scent behind, claiming it as their own.

Additionally, dogs may dig out of boredom or anxiety. If they’re not getting enough mental or physical stimulation, they may resort to digging as a way to release pent-up energy or alleviate stress.

Providing your dog with a designated digging area, sufficient exercise and mental stimulation, and addressing any underlying anxiety or boredom can help redirect this behavior away from your bed.

Why do dogs dig at their bed before lying down?

Dogs dig at their bed before lying down due to instinctual nesting behavior.

This behavior is an ancient instinct inherited from their wild ancestors, who would dig to create a comfortable and secure nest for rest.

By digging at their bed, dogs are attempting to adjust the bedding to their liking, making it softer or fluffier for a cozy sleeping spot.

It’s a natural way for them to ensure their sleeping area is comfortable and conducive to relaxation.

Providing them with a comfortable and well-made bed can help satisfy this instinctual need and promote better sleep quality.


Dogs dig on beds and couches as a natural behavior rooted in their ancestry. It’s a way of creating a comfortable spot to rest or a cozy den.

Dogs may also dig when they’re anxious or seeking attention. Providing them with appropriate outlets like a designated digging area can help redirect this behavior.

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