How to

How to wash kong dog bed?

Is your furry friend’s bed in need of a good scrub? Are you wondered how to wash a long dog bed? Look no further! We have the ultimate guide on how to wash your Kong dog bed and keep it squeaky clean.

From removing tough stains to maintaining its durability, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process.

How to wash kong dog bed?

Say goodbye to dirt and odors, and give your pup the freshest resting place they deserve.

Get ready to learn the secrets of Kong dog bed cleaning that will leave tails wagging with joy!

Now look up at some instant steps to wash kong’s dog bed. Here check out why does your dog sleep at the end of the bed?

9 instant steps to wash kong dog bed

To wash a Kong dog bed, follow these steps:

  1. Remove the strap and pad from the bed.
  2. Vacuum the bed thoroughly to remove loose hair and debris.
  3. Spot clean any stains using a mild pet-friendly detergent and a clean cloth.
  4. Determine if the bed is machine washable or requires hand washing. Follow the care instructions accordingly.
  5. Dry the bed either in a dryer on a low heat setting or by air drying it in a well-ventilated area.
  6. Shake the bed vigorously to fluff it up and redistribute the filling.
  7. Reattach the strap to the bed and insert the clean and dry pad or cushion back into the cover.
  8. Inspect the bed for any remaining stains or spots and spot clean if necessary.
  9. Fluff the bed one last time and place it in its designated spot for your dog to enjoy

8 proven steps to wash Kong dog bed?

Step 1: Remove Strap and Pad

To wash a Kong dog bed, remove the strap and pad. Locate the strap, which is usually secured with Velcro or buttons, and detach it from the bed.

Next, remove the pad or cushion from the bed’s cover. This step ensures that you can clean each component separately and thoroughly. Here check out why does your dog lick my bed sheet.

How to wash kong dog bed?

Set the strap and pad aside for cleaning later, and proceed to the next steps in the washing process.

Step 2: Vacuum

After removing the strap and pad from the Kong dog bed, the next step is to thoroughly vacuum the bed. Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to remove loose hair, dirt, and debris from the bed’s surface.

Pay special attention to any crevices or seams where dirt may accumulate. Vacuuming helps eliminate allergens and keeps the bed clean before proceeding to the actual washing process.

Ensure you cover the entire surface of the bed, including both sides, for a thorough cleaning.

Step 3: Spot Clean

Once you have vacuumed the Kong dog bed, it’s time to address any localized stains or spots. Take a mild pet-friendly detergent or stain remover and dilute it with water according to the product instructions.

Using a clean cloth or sponge, gently dab the solution onto the stained areas of the bed. Avoid scrubbing vigorously to prevent damage.

Allow the detergent to sit for a few minutes, and then blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove the stain and any residue. This step helps tackle specific stains before the overall washing process. Here check out how to put your dog to bed?

Step 4: Wash

After spot cleaning the stains, it’s time to wash the Kong dog bed. Check the care instructions provided by the manufacturer to determine if the bed is machine washable or requires hand washing.

If it can be machine washed, place the bed in a washing machine, using a gentle cycle and cold water. Add a mild detergent specifically formulated for pet bedding.

If hand washing is required, fill a large tub or basin with cold water and the appropriate amount of detergent. Submerge the bed and gently agitate it to ensure thorough cleaning.

Why does my dog sleep at the end of the bed?

Allow the bed to soak for a few minutes. Then, using your hands, gently scrub the bed to remove any dirt or stains. Rinse the bed thoroughly with cold water to remove all soap residue.

Note: If the bed has a removable cover, follow the care instructions to wash it separately.

Step 5: Dry

Once the Kong dog bed has been washed, it’s essential to properly dry it to prevent mold and mildew. If the bed is machine washable, transfer it to a dryer and use a low heat setting.

Add a few clean towels or dryer balls to help fluff the bed and promote even drying. If air drying is recommended, place the bed in a well-ventilated area or outdoors, preferably in direct sunlight.

Ensure that the bed is fully dry before returning the pad and strap or putting it back into use. This step ensures the bed is clean, fresh, and ready for your furry friend.

Step 6: Shake to Fluff

After the Kong dog bed is dry, it’s important to give it a good shake to fluff it up and restore its shape. Grab the bed firmly and vigorously shake it to redistribute the filling and regain its loftiness.

This step helps remove any clumps or flat areas that may have formed during the washing and drying process. Continue shaking the bed from different angles to ensure an even fluffiness throughout.

Once the bed is thoroughly shaken, it’s ready to be placed back in its designated area for your furry friend to enjoy. Here check out my dog peed on my bed how do I clean?

Step 7: Put It Back Together

In the final step, it’s time to put the Kong dog bed back together. Start by reattaching the strap to the bed. Align the Velcro or button closures and secure the strap in place.

Then, insert the clean and dry pad or cushion back into the bed’s cover, ensuring it fits properly and lies flat. Smooth out any wrinkles or folds.

Once the bed is reassembled, fluff it up one last time to make it comfortable and inviting for your canine companion. The Kong dog bed is now ready to be used again.

Step 8: Final Touches

In the final step, give some attention to the finishing touches of the washed Kong dog bed. Take a moment to inspect the bed for any remaining stains or spots.

Repeat the spot cleaning process using a pet-friendly stain remover and a clean cloth. Once satisfied with the cleanliness, fluff up the bed by gently shaking it and adjusting the filling to ensure a comfortable and inviting surface.

Why does my dog lick my bed sheets?

Lastly, place the bed in its designated spot, ready for your furry friend to enjoy their clean and cozy sleeping area.

Let’s move to some related faqs. Thus here, look up how to stop the dog from peeing on bed.

Related faq’s

Can you machine wash a Kong crate mat?

Yes, you can machine wash a Kong crate mat. Before washing, make sure to remove any loose hair or debris from the mat.

Follow the care instructions provided by Kong for the specific mat model, but generally, washing the mat on a gentle cycle with mild detergent is safe.

Use cold water and avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals. After washing, air dry the mat or use a low heat setting in the dryer.

Is it OK to wash dog bed in washing machine?

Yes, it is generally okay to wash a dog bed in a washing machine, but it depends on the specific bed and its care instructions. Most dog beds designed for machine washing will have instructions indicating if they are machine washable.

Before washing, remove any removable covers or inserts, and shake off loose hair or debris. Use a gentle cycle with mild detergent, cold water, and avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying, which may involve air drying or using a low heat setting in the dryer.

How do you wash a Kong durable lounger dog bed?

To wash a Kong Durable Lounger dog bed, follow these steps:

  • Remove the cover: Unzip and remove the cover from the bed.
  • Shake off loose debris: Shake off any loose hair or debris from the cover.
  • Machine wash: Place the cover in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with cold water. Use a mild detergent and avoid bleach or harsh chemicals.
  • Dry: Air dry the cover or tumble dry on a low heat setting. Avoid high heat, as it can damage the bed.
  • Reassemble: Lip the cover back onto the bed once it is completely dry.

Always refer to the specific care instructions for your dog bed model provided by Kong.

How should I wash my dogs bed?

To wash your dog’s bed, follow these general steps:

  1. Check the care instructions: Read the care label or instructions provided by the bed manufacturer for specific guidance.
  2. Remove covers and bedding: Take off any removable covers and bedding inserts, if applicable.
  3. Shake off loose debris: Shake the bed outside to remove loose hair or debris.
  4. Machine wash: Place the covers and bedding (if machine washable) in the washing machine on a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals.
  5. Dry: Air dry the covers and bedding or use a low heat setting in the dryer. High heat may damage the bed.
  6. Clean the bed frame or base: Wipe down the bed frame or base with a damp cloth or mild disinfectant, if needed.
  7. Reassemble: Once everything is dry, put the covers and bedding back on the bed.

However, to always consult the specific care instructions provided by the bed manufacturer for the best washing method for your dog’s bed.


In conclusion, knowing how to wash a Kong dog bed is essential for maintaining your furry friend’s comfort and hygiene. With a few simple steps, you can keep their bed fresh and clean.

Start by removing the cover and checking the care instructions. Most Kong dog beds can be machine washed on a gentle cycle. Use a mild detergent and avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals.

After washing, make sure to dry the bed thoroughly before reassembling it. Regularly washing your Kong dog bed will ensure a cozy and clean sleeping space for your beloved pet.

Now, let’s turn it over to you: How often do you wash your dog’s bed, and what method do you find most effective? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!


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