How to

How To WASH a Dog Bed With Stuffing

Do you struggle with keeping your dog’s bed clean and fresh? Dogs are prone to getting their bedding dirty, which can be a daunting task to clean, especially if it contains stuffing.

Fear not, as we have got you covered. In this article, we will guide you through the process of washing a dog bed with stuffing.

How To WASH a Dog Bed With Stuffing

From selecting the right detergent to the correct water temperature, we have compiled a comprehensive guide that will help you wash your furry friend’s bedding like a pro.

So, if you want to ensure that your dog has a comfortable and hygienic place to rest, keep reading to learn more about washing a dog bed with stuffing.

Before You Begin

Before you begin washing your dog’s bed, it’s important to gather a few essential items.

You will need a spot stain remover to treat any stubborn stains, a vacuum cleaner to remove loose debris, a pet-safe detergent to clean the bedding, water to rinse it thoroughly, and a deodorizer to eliminate any lingering odors.

Additionally, there are certain steps you should follow before washing the bed to ensure the best results.

By following these steps and using the necessary items, you can effectively wash your pup’s bed and provide them with a clean and comfortable place to rest.

Get Rid of Any Loose Dirt

Before you start washing your dog’s bed with stuffing, it’s important to remove any loose dirt and debris. Use a vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean the bed and remove any hair, dirt, or dust that has accumulated on it.

This will prevent the dirt from spreading and clumping during the washing process, which can be challenging to remove.

After vacuuming, you can use a spot stain remover to treat any visible stains on the bed.

Once you’ve cleared away any loose debris and treated any stains, you can move on to washing the bed to give your furry friend a fresh and clean place to rest.

Remove Any Nasty Stains

To effectively wash a dog bed with stuffing, it’s important to remove any stubborn stains. First, you should spot treat any visible stains with a pet-safe stain remover.

Apply the stain remover directly to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a clean cloth or sponge to gently blot the stain, being careful not to rub or scrub too hard as this can damage the fabric or stuffing.

Once you’ve removed as much of the stain as possible, you can move on to washing the bed.

By removing any nasty stains beforehand, you can ensure that your dog’s bed comes out looking and smelling fresh after washing.

Way 1 : Wash Inside and Outside Materials Separate

Items you Need:

Here are the items you will need to wash a dog bed with stuffing using the method of washing the inside and outside materials separately:

  • Pet-safe detergent
  • Washing machine
  • Container for stuffing
  • Cold water

How to Wash:

To wash the bed using this method, start by removing the stuffing from the bed and placing it in a container. Then, place the outer cover in the washing machine and add a pet-safe detergent.

Wash the cover on a gentle cycle using cold water. Once the cover is washed, hang it up to air dry or place it in the dryer on a low heat setting.

Next, wash the stuffing in a separate container using the same pet-safe detergent and cold water.

Once the stuffing is washed, fluff it and return it to the cover. By following these steps, you can effectively clean your dog’s bed and remove any dirt, stains, or odors.

Way 2 : Place Bed in the Washer Whole

Items you Need:

Here are the items you will need to wash a dog bed with stuffing using the method of placing the bed in the washer whole:

  • Pet-safe detergent
  • Washing machine
  • Spot stain remover (optional)
  • Deodorizer (optional)
  • Cold water

How to Wash:

To wash the bed using this method, start by removing any loose dirt and debris with a vacuum cleaner. If there are any stains, you can use a spot stain remover to treat them.

How To WASH a Dog Bed With Stuffing

Then, place the bed in the washing machine and add a pet-safe detergent. If you want to add a deodorizer, you can do so at this point. Wash the bed on a gentle cycle using cold water.

Once the bed is washed, hang it up to air dry or place it in the dryer on a low heat setting. By following these steps, you can effectively clean your dog’s bed and remove any dirt, stains, or odors

Way 3: Spot Wash the Bed

Items You Need:

To wash a dog bed with stuffing using the spot wash method, you will need the following items:

  • Pet-safe stain remover
  • Clean cloth or sponge
  • Cold water
  • Deodorizer (optional)

How to Clean:

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start by removing any loose dirt and debris with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Apply a pet-safe stain remover to any visible stains or areas that have absorbed unpleasant odors.
  3. Dampen a clean cloth or sponge with cold water and gently rub the stained areas to remove the stain remover and any remaining dirt.
  4. If necessary, repeat the process until the stain is removed.
  5. Rinse the cloth or sponge with clean water and use it to remove any residue from the bed.
  6. Allow the bed to air dry completely.
  7. Once the bed is dry, you can apply a deodorizer if you wish.

By following these steps, you can effectively clean your dog’s bed using the spot wash method. This method is suitable for small stains or for occasional cleanings.

How to Wash a Dog Bed with Stuffing (7 steps to follow)

1. Vacuum the bed

The first step in washing a dog bed with stuffing is to vacuum it thoroughly. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any loose dirt, pet hair, or debris from the bed.

Be sure to get into all the crevices and corners, as these areas tend to collect the most dirt and hair. If the bed has a removable cover, take it off and vacuum both the cover and the stuffing separately.

This will make it easier to clean the bed and ensure that it is free of any loose dirt before you begin washing it.

Vacuuming also helps to remove any allergens that may be trapped in the bed, making it a healthier and more comfortable sleeping environment for your dog.

2 Remove the bed cover

The second step in washing a dog bed with stuffing is to remove the bed cover. If your dog bed has a removable cover, take it off and separate it from the bed’s stuffing.

If you’re not sure whether the cover is removable or not, check the bed’s label or manufacturer’s instructions. This step is essential as the cover may have stains or dirt that need to be washed separately.

Plus, it will allow you to get to the stuffing, which is where most of the dirt and odors reside. Once you remove the cover, you can move on to the next step in cleaning the bed’s stuffing.

3. Use stain remover

After removing the bed cover, the next step is to use a pet-safe stain remover to get rid of any tough stains on the bed. Apply the stain remover to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes as per the product instructions.

Make sure to use a pet-safe stain remover as dogs tend to chew on their beds and may ingest any harmful chemicals.

After allowing the stain remover to work its magic, use a damp cloth or sponge to blot the area and remove the stain.

Be sure to rinse the cloth or sponge frequently to avoid spreading the stain further. Once the stain is removed, allow the bed to air dry before proceeding to the next step.

4. Rinse the Dog Bed

The fourth step to washing a dog bed with stuffing is to rinse it thoroughly. This step is important to remove any soap or stain remover residue that might be left on the bed.

You can either rinse the bed under a faucet or use a hose outside to ensure that all the soap and stain remover are washed out completely.

Make sure that you rinse the bed thoroughly so that there is no soap left, as it can cause skin irritation to your pet. Once you have finished rinsing the bed, gently squeeze out any excess water.

5. Detergent and Deodorizer

The fifth step to washing a dog bed with stuffing is to add pet-safe detergent and deodorizer to the washing machine. Make sure to follow the instructions on the detergent packaging and use the appropriate amount for the size of the bed.

The deodorizer will help eliminate any odors that may have seeped into the bed. Be careful not to use any harsh chemicals or bleach as this can damage the bed and potentially harm your dog.

Run the washing machine on a gentle cycle with cool or warm water to avoid damaging the stuffing inside the bed.

6. Let it Dry

After you have thoroughly washed your dog bed with stuffing, it is important to let it dry completely before use.

You can air dry the bed by hanging it outside or placing it on a clothesline, making sure it is completely dry before bringing it back inside.

How To WASH a Dog Bed With Stuffing

If you are in a rush, you can also use a dryer on a low heat setting. However, it is important to avoid using high heat as it can damage the bed and its stuffing.

Once the bed is completely dry, fluff the stuffing to restore its shape and ensure it is evenly distributed throughout the bed.

7. Fluff the Dog Bed

The final step in washing a dog bed with stuffing is to fluff it. After the bed has dried completely, you can shake it out to fluff up the stuffing inside.

This will help to distribute the filling evenly and make the bed more comfortable for your furry friend. You can also use your hands to fluff and reshape the bed as needed.

Once you have fluffed the bed, you can place it back in its cover and it will be ready for your dog to use again.

Fluffing the bed will also help to maintain its shape and prevent any lumps or uneven areas.

The Importance of Keeping Dog Beds Clean

Keeping dog beds clean is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps maintain a healthy and hygienic environment for both you and your furry friend.

A dirty bed can harbor bacteria, parasites, and allergens that can cause health issues, especially for dogs with sensitive skin or respiratory problems.

Regular cleaning also helps prolong the lifespan of the dog bed by preventing wear and tear caused by dirt and grime.

A clean bed is also more comfortable for your dog, and it can reduce the likelihood of unpleasant odors in your home.

Lastly, a clean dog bed can improve the overall appearance of your home and provide a sense of pride in maintaining a clean and healthy living environment for you and your beloved pet.

  • Parasites

Keeping your dog’s bed clean is important for several reasons. One of the primary reasons is to prevent parasites from infesting the bed.

Parasites such as fleas and ticks can easily make themselves at home in your dog’s bed, and this can lead to an infestation in your home.

Regular cleaning of your dog’s bed can help prevent this from happening and keep your dog healthy and happy.

Additionally, parasites can cause a range of health problems for your dog, including skin irritations, allergies, and even infections. By keeping your dog’s bed clean, you can help to prevent these issues from occurring.

  • Pet Dander

Keeping your dog’s bed clean is essential for reducing the buildup of pet dander. Pet dander is tiny flakes of skin that shed from your dog and can cause allergies and respiratory problems for both humans and pets.

Over time, these flakes accumulate in your dog’s bedding and can lead to unpleasant odors and potential health issues.

Regular washing of your dog’s bed can help remove pet dander and prevent it from causing harm to you and your pet.

It’s important to note that even hypoallergenic dogs can produce pet dander, so regular cleaning of their bedding is crucial for maintaining a healthy home environment.

Dog bed stuffing replacement

Dog bed stuffing replacement refers to the process of removing the old or damaged filling from a dog bed and replacing it with new stuffing material.

Over time, dog bed stuffing can become compressed, soiled, and lose its shape, which can affect the comfort and support of the bed.

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Some common materials used for dog bed stuffing replacement include foam, polyester fiberfill, and shredded memory foam.

It is important to choose a filling material that is appropriate for your dog’s size, weight, and sleeping habits.

Regularly replacing the stuffing in your dog’s bed can help prolong the life of the bed and ensure your furry friend has a comfortable place to rest.

How to wash a dog bed with stuffing – Frequently asked questions and tips

Can you wash the inside of a dog bed?

Yes, you can wash the inside of a dog bed, but it depends on the type of bed and the filling material. Some dog beds have removable covers that can be washed separately, while others require the entire bed to be washed.

It’s important to check the care instructions on the bed or contact the manufacturer for specific instructions.

In general, washing the inside of a dog bed involves removing any loose dirt or hair, spot treating any stains, and washing with a pet-safe detergent.

It’s also important to thoroughly dry the bed before allowing your dog to use it again.

How to clean dog bed stuffing?

Cleaning dog bed stuffing can be a bit tricky, as you want to make sure it’s thoroughly cleaned without damaging it. Here’s how you can clean dog bed stuffing:

  1. Remove the stuffing from the bed: Unzip the cover of the bed and carefully remove the stuffing.
  2. Spot clean: If there are any visible stains, spot clean them with a pet-safe stain remover.
  3. Wash the stuffing: Place the stuffing in a large mesh laundry bag or pillowcase and wash it in the washing machine using a gentle cycle and pet-safe detergent. Use warm water and avoid using fabric softener, bleach, or any other harsh chemicals.
  4. Rinse and drain: Once the wash cycle is complete, rinse the stuffing thoroughly to remove any leftover detergent.
  5. Dry the stuffing: Gently squeeze out the excess water and either air dry the stuffing or tumble dry it on low heat. Make sure it’s completely dry before putting it back into the bed.
  6. Fluff the stuffing: Once the stuffing is dry, fluff it up to restore its original shape and volume.

Remember, it’s important to follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer and avoid using any products that could harm your dog or damage the stuffing.

How to wash a large dog bed with stuffing?

To wash a large dog bed with stuffing, you can follow these steps:

  1. Remove any loose dirt and hair with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Pre-treat any stains with a pet-safe stain remover.
  3. Remove the bed cover if possible and wash it separately according to the care instructions.
  4. If the bed cover cannot be removed, spot clean any stains with a mixture of pet-safe detergent and water.
  5. Fill a large washing machine with cool water and add a pet-safe detergent.
  6. Place the dog bed in the machine and run a gentle cycle.
  7. After the cycle is complete, run an extra rinse cycle to ensure all detergent is removed.
  8. Hang the dog bed outside or place it in a well-ventilated area to air dry completely.

It’s important to follow the care instructions on the dog bed to ensure you do not damage the stuffing or any other parts of the bed during the washing process.

How Often Should You Clean Their Bed?

It is recommended to clean your dog’s bed at least once a month, but depending on your dog’s habits and health conditions, you may need to clean it more often.

For example, if your dog sheds a lot or has allergies, you may need to clean their bed more frequently. It’s important to pay attention to any odors or stains on the bed and clean it promptly.

Additionally, washing your dog’s bed regularly can help prevent the buildup of dirt, parasites, and allergens that can be harmful to your dog’s health.


In conclusion, washing your dog’s bed with stuffing is an important part of maintaining your pet’s hygiene and overall health.

With the three methods outlined in this blog, you now have a variety of options to choose from depending on your dog’s bed material and your personal preferences.

Remember to always read the care instructions provided by the manufacturer and to use pet-friendly detergents.

Now, it’s over to you. Which of these methods do you think will work best for you and your furry friend?

Have you tried any of these methods before, and if so, how did they work out?

Let us know in the comments below, and feel free to share any other tips or tricks you have for keeping your dog’s bed fresh and clean. Thank you for reading!

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