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How to stop dog from peeing on bed?

Are you tired of waking up to the unpleasant surprise of your dog’s urine-soaked bed? Don’t worry, help is here! In this guide, we’ll reveal effective strategies to stop your furry friend from turning your bed into their personal bathroom.

Whether you’re dealing with a new puppy or an older dog with a persistent habit, we’ve got you covered.

Discover expert tips, training techniques, and practical advice that will save your bed (and your sanity) from future accidents.

Say goodbye to those wet sheets and hello to peaceful nights of uninterrupted sleep. It’s time to reclaim your bed!

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How to stop dog from peeing on bed?

1. Get Rid of the Scent

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to get rid of the scent. Dogs have a strong sense of smell, and if they can detect their urine on the bed, it may encourage them to pee there again.

Start by thoroughly cleaning the bedding and mattress with an enzymatic cleaner specifically designed to eliminate pet odors. This type of cleaner breaks down the urine enzymes and eliminates the smell completely.

Additionally, consider using a waterproof mattress cover to protect the mattress from any accidents and prevent the scent from seeping into the fabric.

By removing the scent, you can discourage your dog from urinating on the bed in the future.

2. Reinforce Potty-Training Lessons

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to reinforce potty-training lessons. Start by revisiting the basics of potty training with your dog. Take them outside frequently, especially after meals, naps, and playtime, and reward them with treats and praise when they eliminate in the appropriate spot.

Create a consistent routine and establish designated bathroom areas outside.

Supervise your dog closely indoors and interrupt any attempts to pee on the bed by redirecting them to the designated spot. If accidents happen, avoid scolding or punishing your dog, as it can create fear or anxiety.

Instead, clean up the mess promptly and continue reinforcing positive bathroom habits. With consistent training, your dog can learn to avoid peeing on the bed.

3. Limit Access to the Bed

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to limit their access to it. Preventing your dog from reaching the bed reduces the likelihood of accidents. Close the bedroom door or use baby gates to keep them out.

Alternatively, you can train your dog to stay off the bed by using commands like “off” or “stay.” Consistency is key, so reinforce this training whenever they attempt to jump on the bed.

Provide alternative comfortable sleeping areas for your dog, such as a designated dog bed or crate, with soft bedding and familiar scents. By limiting access to the bed, you can effectively discourage your dog from peeing on it.

Here you can look up why does dog pee on his bed?

4. Switch Over to a Waterproof Bed or Pads

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to switch over to a waterproof bed or pads. Investing in a waterproof bed or using waterproof pads on the bed can help protect it from urine accidents.

These products are designed to repel moisture and prevent it from seeping into the mattress or bedding. The waterproof material creates a barrier, making it less appealing for the dog to pee on the bed.

If an accident does occur, the waterproof surface makes cleanup easier and reduces the chances of lingering odors.

By using a waterproof bed or pads, you can effectively deter your dog from peeing on the bed and maintain a clean sleeping environment.

5. Visit a Vet

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to visit a vet. It’s important to rule out any underlying medical issues that may be causing the behavior.

In some cases, dogs may urinate on the bed due to urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or other health conditions. A vet can perform a thorough examination, run necessary tests, and provide appropriate treatment if needed.

They can also offer guidance and advice specific to your dog’s situation. By addressing any potential medical causes, you can effectively address the problem and work towards resolving the issue of your dog peeing on the bed. Here you can check out why does your dog dig at the blanket on the bed?

6. Provide House Training

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to provide house training. This involves teaching your dog appropriate bathroom habits and creating a consistent routine.

Take your dog outside regularly, especially after meals, naps, or play sessions, to encourage them to eliminate outdoors.

When they do their business in the right place, reward them with treats and praise to reinforce the desired behavior. Supervise your dog closely indoors and interrupt any attempts to pee on the bed by redirecting them to the designated bathroom area.

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to successful house training and preventing accidents on the bed.

7. Apply Stain and Odor Remover

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to apply a stain and odor remover. When accidents happen, it’s crucial to clean up thoroughly to eliminate any lingering scent that may attract the dog to pee on the bed again.

Look for a pet-specific stain and odor remover that contains enzymes, as they are effective in breaking down the urine and eliminating the odor.

Follow the instructions on the product and thoroughly treat the affected area, including the mattress, bedding, and any other affected surfaces.

By completely removing the scent, you can discourage your dog from associating the bed with a designated bathroom spot, helping to prevent future accidents. Here you can check out how to stop a dog from chewing his bed?

8. Use a Smaller Crate

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to use a smaller crate. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their living spaces, and by providing them with a smaller crate, you limit their available space, making it less likely for them to urinate inside.

Ensure that the crate is just large enough for the dog to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. A spacious crate may allow the dog to create a separate area for eliminating.

However, it’s crucial to provide regular bathroom breaks and never leave the dog in the crate for an extended period.

Using a smaller crate can help reinforce their natural instinct to keep their living area clean and decrease the chances of them peeing on the bed.

9. Offer Praise

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to offer praise. Positive reinforcement plays a crucial role in modifying your dog’s behavior. When your dog successfully avoids peeing on the bed and eliminates in the appropriate spot, provide enthusiastic praise, petting, and rewards such as treats or a favorite toy.

By associating the act of urinating in the right place with positive experiences, your dog will be motivated to repeat the behavior.

Remember to offer praise immediately after they finish eliminating, so they understand the connection between their action and the reward.

Consistent praise helps reinforce good habits and encourages your dog to continue avoiding the bed when it comes to urination.

10. Correct the Mistake in the Moment

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to correct the mistake in the moment. When you catch your dog in the act or discover they have already peed on the bed, it’s important to address the situation immediately.

Use a firm and assertive voice to say “no” or “stop” to interrupt the behavior. Avoid yelling or scaring the dog, as it may create fear or anxiety. Next, calmly and quickly take your dog outside to their designated bathroom area.

Encourage them to finish eliminating there and provide positive reinforcement when they do.

By correcting the mistake in the moment and redirecting them to the appropriate spot, you can teach your dog where it’s acceptable to pee and discourage them from using the bed as a bathroom.

11. Purchase Dog Diapers

To stop a dog from peeing on the bed, the first tip is to purchase dog diapers. Dog diapers are designed to prevent accidents and keep your dog’s urine contained. They provide a barrier between your dog’s body and the bed, protecting it from any potential accidents.

Ensure you select the appropriate size and type of diaper for your dog. Introduce the diapers gradually, allowing your dog to become accustomed to wearing them. Use positive reinforcement and rewards to associate wearing the diaper with positive experiences.

Dog diapers can be especially useful during the potty-training process or for dogs with medical conditions.

They help prevent messes on the bed and make cleaning up easier while you work on addressing the underlying cause of the behavior.

You see these are 11 tips you could use in order to stop your dog from peeing on the bed.

Now let’s move to some related faq’s.

Related faq’s

Why does my dog pee on the bed?

Dogs may exhibit this behavior due to various reasons, and it’s essential to identify the underlying cause to address the issue effectively.

One possible reason could be a medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection or bladder stones. These can cause discomfort and increased urgency to urinate, leading your dog to choose the bed as a convenient spot.

Another possible reason is anxiety or stress. Dogs can sometimes express their anxiety through inappropriate elimination, and the bed might be a comforting and familiar scent for them.

Changes in their routine, environment, or even the addition of a new family member can trigger this behavior. It’s important to observe your dog’s overall behavior and look for signs of anxiety or stress, such as excessive panting, pacing, or destructive behavior.

To address this issue, I’d recommend consulting with your veterinarian to rule out any medical causes. They can perform a thorough examination and conduct tests if needed. If anxiety or stress is the underlying cause, implementing positive reinforcement training techniques can be helpful.

Provide a designated spot for your dog to eliminate, such as a pee pad or outdoor area, and reward them with treats and praise when they use that spot correctly.

Additionally, creating a calm and secure environment for your dog, along with regular exercise and mental stimulation, can go a long way in reducing anxiety.

Moreover, every dog is unique, so it might take some trial and error to find the right approach for your furry friend. With patience, consistency, and a little understanding, you can help your dog break the habit of peeing on the bed and ensure a clean and comfortable sleeping space for both of you

How do I get my dog to stop peeing on everything?

Dealing with a dog that pees on everything can be quite challenging, but don’t worry, there are steps you can take to address this issue.

Firstly, it’s important to rule out any underlying medical conditions by consulting with your veterinarian. Once medical causes are ruled out, you can focus on behavioral training.

Start by establishing a consistent routine for your dog, including regular feeding and potty breaks.

Take your dog outside frequently to their designated potty spot and reward them with treats and praise when they eliminate there. Supervise your dog closely indoors and interrupt any inappropriate elimination by calmly redirecting them to their potty spot.

Consistency is key, so make sure everyone in your household follows the same training approach. Clean any soiled areas thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner to remove any lingering odor that might attract your dog back to those spots.

Consider crate training or using a confinement area when you can’t directly supervise your dog. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping areas, so this can help prevent accidents.

Patience and positive reinforcement are crucial throughout the training process. Avoid punishment or scolding, as it can create fear and confusion in your dog.

If the issue persists or becomes overwhelming, consulting with a professional dog trainer or behaviorist can provide you with tailored guidance and support.

How do I stop my dog from peeing on the same spot?

To discourage your dog from peeing on the same spot, follow these steps:

  1. Clean the area thoroughly with an enzymatic cleaner to remove any lingering scent that might attract your dog.
  2. Use positive reinforcement to reward your dog for urinating in appropriate areas, such as outdoors. Give treats and praise when they eliminate in the desired location.
  3. Supervise your dog closely when indoors and redirect them to appropriate potty areas if you notice them sniffing or preparing to urinate on the problem spot.
  4. Limit access to the problem area by using baby gates or closing doors.
  5. Consider providing your dog with more opportunities for regular outdoor bathroom breaks to prevent accidents indoors.

Consistency and positive reinforcement are key to modifying your dog’s behavior.


In conclusion, addressing the issue of a dog repeatedly peeing in the same spot requires a multi-pronged approach. First and foremost, it is important to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to this behavior by consulting a veterinarian.

Once medical causes have been ruled out, a combination of consistent and positive reinforcement-based training techniques should be employed.

These include redirecting the dog’s attention away from the spot, using deterrents, such as scent-neutralizing products or physical barriers, and rewarding the dog for appropriate elimination in designated areas.

Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement will play crucial roles in breaking the habit and encouraging desired behavior from your dog.


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