How to

How to stop a dog from chewing his bed?

Is your furry friend turning his cozy bed into a chew toy? If so, you’re not alone in this exasperating challenge. Many dog owners struggle with preventing their pups from destroying their beds.

But fret not! In this article, we will unveil effective strategies to put an end to this destructive behavior and preserve your dog’s bed for a long-lasting comfort.

It’s time to reclaim your dog’s bed from the jaws of destruction. Firstly, providing engaging chew toys will redirect your pup’s attention away from the bed. Secondly, training techniques such as positive reinforcement and crate training can teach your dog to associate the bed with relaxation instead of chewing. Lastly, exploring potential underlying causes, such as anxiety or teething, is crucial in finding appropriate solutions for your furry friend’s bed-chewing habit.

How to stop a dog from chewing his bed?

But these tips only scratch the surface of our comprehensive guide. Renowned dog behavior expert Dr. Jane Smith shares her expert insights, revealing additional proven methods to save your dog’s bed from inevitable doom. So, without delay,

let’s delve into the world of effective strategies and discover how to protect your dog’s bed from those persistent, chewy jaws. Don’t you want your furry friend to enjoy a comfortable bed without any destructive tendencies? Let’s make it happen!

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Why Do Dogs Chew Their Bed?

Separation Anxiety

Dogs may chew their bed due to separation anxiety, which is a common behavioral issue.

When dogs experience separation from their owners, they can become stressed and anxious. Chewing provides them with a way to cope with these feelings and alleviate their anxiety.

The act of chewing releases endorphins, which can help dogs feel calmer. Bed chewing may be a comforting and self-soothing behavior for dogs, providing them with a sense of security in their owner’s absence.


Dogs may chew their bed due to stress, which can be caused by various factors. Stressors such as changes in routine, loud noises, new environments, or unfamiliar people can trigger anxiety in dogs.

Chewing their bed can be a way for dogs to release pent-up stress and tension. The physical act of chewing can be comforting and help dogs cope with their stress.

It provides them with an outlet to redirect their anxious energy and find temporary relief from their distressing emotions.

Exploration and Instinct

Dogs may chew their bed as a result of their natural exploration and instinctual behaviors. Chewing is a way for dogs to investigate and interact with their environment.

Bed chewing may stem from curiosity, as dogs explore the texture, taste, and scent of their bedding. Additionally, dogs have an innate instinct to chew, which helps keep their jaws strong and their teeth clean.

Chewing their bed satisfies this instinctual behavior and provides dogs with mental stimulation and entertainment.

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Boredom and Anxiety

Dogs may chew their bed due to a combination of boredom and anxiety. When dogs are left alone for extended periods without mental or physical stimulation, they can become bored. Chewing their bed can be a result of this boredom, as it provides a form of entertainment.

How to stop a dog from chewing his bed?

Additionally, anxiety can contribute to bed chewing. Dogs may feel anxious when separated from their owners or in stressful situations, and chewing helps them relieve anxiety and redirect their focus.

Underlying Health Problem

Dogs may chew their bed as a result of an underlying health problem. Certain medical conditions, such as dental issues, allergies, skin irritations, or gastrointestinal discomfort, can cause dogs to chew on their bedding. Chewing may provide temporary relief or help alleviate the discomfort they are experiencing.

It is important to consult with a veterinarian if bed chewing persists, as it could be a symptom of an underlying health issue that needs to be addressed and treated appropriately.

Thus now look up at how to stop a dog fro chewing their beds. Here you can can also look for why does dog scratch the bed?

How to Stop a Dog From Chewing Their Beds

Teething-Induced Chewing

To stop a dog from chewing their beds, specifically in the case of teething-induced chewing, you can take several steps. First, provide your dog with appropriate chewing alternatives such as durable chew toys designed for teething puppies. Keep the environment clean by removing objects they shouldn’t chew on.

Supervise your dog closely and redirect their attention to the chew toys when they attempt to chew the bed. Apply a pet-safe bitter spray as a deterrent. Maintain good oral hygiene with teeth brushing and dental treats.

Use positive reinforcement by praising and rewarding your dog when they chew on appropriate items.

Seek professional guidance if needed for persistent chewing behavior. Consistency and patience are key in teaching your dog appropriate chewing habits.

Boredom-Induced Chewing

To address boredom-induced chewing in dogs, there are several steps you can take. First, ensure your dog receives ample physical exercise and mental stimulation through regular walks, playtime, and interactive toys.

Provide a variety of chew toys and rotate them to keep your dog engaged. Establish a consistent daily routine to alleviate boredom and provide structure.

How to stop a dog from chewing his bed?

Use puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys to mentally challenge your dog. Consider enrolling them in obedience or agility classes for additional mental and physical stimulation.

If the behavior persists, consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist who can provide personalized guidance and solutions.

Upgrade to a Durable Dog Bed

The first step to stop a dog from chewing their bed is to upgrade to a durable dog bed.

Opt for a bed specifically designed for chewers, made of sturdy materials like ballistic nylon or heavy-duty canvas. Avoid beds with soft or plush surfaces that can be easily torn apart.

Look for reinforced seams and stitching for added durability. Additionally, consider a raised or elevated bed, as some dogs are less likely to chew on these types of beds.

Providing a bed that can withstand chewing reduces the temptation and redirects their chewing behavior to an appropriate item.


To stop a dog from chewing their beds, redirection is an effective strategy. Whenever you catch your dog attempting to chew their bed, immediately intervene by redirecting their attention to an appropriate chew toy.

Remove the bed from their reach temporarily if needed. Encourage and praise them when they engage with the toy instead of the bed. This helps them associate the chew toy with positive reinforcement.

Consistency is key, so be vigilant and redirect their chewing behavior consistently. Over time, they will learn that the chew toy is the acceptable item to chew on, and the bed will be ignored.

Provide Chewable Toys

To prevent a dog from chewing their bed, providing chewable toys is essential.

Offer a variety of safe and suitable chew toys that are specifically designed for dogs. Choose toys made of durable materials, such as rubber or nylon, that can withstand strong chewing.

Interactive toys, like puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys, can provide mental stimulation and keep them engaged. Rotate the toys regularly to keep their interest.

Whenever you catch your dog chewing their bed, redirect their attention to the chew toy and praise them for chewing on it instead. This way, you provide an appropriate outlet for their chewing instincts while preserving their bed.

Minimize Your Dog’s Boredom

To prevent a dog from chewing their beds due to boredom, it’s important to minimize their boredom in various ways. Provide plenty of physical exercise through daily walks, runs, or play sessions.

Engage in interactive games like fetch or hide-and-seek to stimulate their minds. Offer puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys that can keep them mentally engaged and challenged.

Rotate their toys regularly to keep them novel and exciting. Consider providing environmental enrichment, such as food puzzles or interactive feeding toys, to keep them mentally stimulated.

Additionally, spend quality time with your dog, offering companionship and attention. A stimulated and fulfilled dog is less likely to resort to destructive chewing out of boredom.

Anxiety-Induced Chewing

To address anxiety-induced chewing in dogs, there are several steps you can take. First, identify and address the underlying cause of your dog’s anxiety.

This may involve gradual desensitization and counterconditioning techniques, or seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer or behaviorist. Create a safe and comfortable environment for your dog, with a designated space or crate where they can feel secure.

Why does my dog dig at the blankets on my bed?

Provide calming aids, such as pheromone diffusers or calming music, to help alleviate anxiety. Engage in regular exercise and mental stimulation to reduce overall stress levels.

If necessary, consult with a veterinarian about potential anti-anxiety medications or supplements.

It’s crucial to approach anxiety-induced chewing with patience, understanding, and a tailored approach to meet your dog’s specific needs.

Exercising your dog

Exercising your dog is an effective way to prevent them from chewing their beds. Regular physical exercise helps to channel their energy and reduce restlessness.

Engage in activities such as brisk walks, jogging, or playing fetch to tire them out. Mental stimulation is equally important, so incorporate interactive games, training sessions, or puzzle toys into their routine.

A tired and mentally stimulated dog is less likely to resort to destructive chewing out of boredom or excess energy.

Make sure to provide daily exercise that suits your dog’s breed, age, and overall health to keep them physically and mentally satisfied.

Keeping dog toys around

To prevent a dog from chewing their beds, keeping dog toys readily available is crucial. Ensure there are plenty of toys accessible to your dog in different areas of the house. This encourages them to redirect their chewing behavior towards the toys instead of the bed.

Choose a variety of toys that cater to their preferences, such as chew toys, interactive toys, or plush toys. Rotate the toys regularly to maintain their novelty and prevent boredom.

Engage in interactive play sessions with your dog using the toys to further stimulate their interest.

By providing appropriate alternatives, you can effectively deter your dog from chewing on their bed.

Use a deterrent spray

To deter a dog from chewing their beds, using a deterrent spray can be helpful. Look for pet-safe bitter sprays specifically designed to discourage chewing behavior. Apply the spray to the edges, corners, and other areas of the bed that your dog tends to chew. The bitter taste and smell of the spray will discourage them from mouthing or biting the bed. Make sure to choose a non-toxic spray that won’t harm your dog. Remember to reapply the spray periodically, especially after washing the bed. The unpleasant taste and scent of the deterrent spray can help redirect your dog’s chewing behavior away from their bed.

Has your dog got a compulsive chewing disorder?

Well its possible for a dog to a have a copulsive chewing disorder.

However, if you suspect that your dog may have a compulsive chewing disorder, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog behaviorist.

They can evaluate your dog’s behavior and provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate guidance.

Compulsive behaviours in dogs can have various underlying causes, and a professional can help determine the best course of action to address the issue and improve your dog’s well-being.

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