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How to keep dog hair off bed sheets?

Tired of finding dog hair on your bed sheets? Keeping your bed free from pet hair can be a challenging task, but fear not! In this article, we’ll explore effective techniques to keep those pesky dog hairs at bay and ensure a clean and hair-free sleeping environment.

From preventive measures to quick clean-up hacks, we’ve got you covered. Discover practical tips, expert advice, and simple strategies to bid farewell to dog hair on your bed sheets.

How to keep dog hair off bed sheets?

Say hello to a fresh and cozy bed where you can enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep without the annoyance of pet hair. Let’s get started!

20 proven ways to keep dog hair off bed sheets?

1. Put a blanket or quilt over your bed

One effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets is to place a blanket or quilt over your bed.

By covering the bed with an additional layer, you create a barrier that collects the majority of the dog hair, preventing it from directly settling on the sheets.

The blanket or quilt can be easily removed and washed regularly, ensuring that your bed remains hair-free and clean. This simple step helps to maintain a hygienic and comfortable sleeping environment for you.

2. Select the right fabric and thread count

Choosing the right fabric and thread count for your bed sheets is another effective way to keep dog hair off them.

Opt for tightly woven fabrics such as microfiber or high-quality cotton with a higher thread count. These fabrics create a smoother surface, making it more difficult for dog hair to cling onto them.

Additionally, fabrics with shorter fibers or a satin finish can help prevent hair from embedding deeply into the sheets, making it easier to remove the hair during laundering.

3. Keep spare sheet handy

Having spare sheets readily available is the third effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Dogs are known to shed, and it can be challenging to remove every single hair from your sheets.

By keeping spare sheets on hand, you can quickly swap out the soiled ones with fresh ones whenever needed.

This not only ensures a clean and hair-free sleeping surface but also saves you time and effort in constantly removing dog hair from the sheets.

4. Properly wash your bedding regularly

Properly washing your bedding regularly is the fourth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Regular washing helps to remove any accumulated dog hair, dirt, and allergens from the sheets.

Use a high-quality laundry detergent and follow the care instructions for your specific bedding. Opt for a gentle cycle with cool water to minimize hair clinging to the fabric.

Drying your sheets on a low heat setting or air-drying them can further help to reduce static and prevent hair from sticking to the freshly cleaned sheets.

5. Vaccum your bedding

Vacuuming your bedding is the fifth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Using a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, gently run it over the surface of your sheets to collect any loose dog hair.

How to keep dog hair off bed sheets?

This method helps to remove hair that may be deeply embedded in the fabric. Be thorough in your approach, focusing on areas where your dog often rests.

Regular vacuuming of your bedding can significantly reduce the presence of dog hair, keeping your sheets cleaner and more hair-free.

7. Use rubber kitchen gloves

Using rubber kitchen gloves is the seventh effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and rub your hands over the surface of the sheets.

The rubber material creates static electricity, which helps attract and collect the dog hair. The gloves effectively gather the hair into clumps that can be easily picked up and disposed of.

This simple technique is particularly useful for removing stubborn hair from bedding and can be done quickly and conveniently.

8. Bath and brush your pet freuently

Bathing and brushing your pet frequently is the eighth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Regular bathing helps to minimize shedding by keeping your dog’s coat clean and healthy.

Brushing your pet helps to remove loose hair and prevent it from ending up on your bed sheets.

By maintaining a grooming routine, you can significantly reduce the amount of loose hair that your dog sheds, ultimately reducing the amount of hair that finds its way onto your bedding.

9. Get a Pet bed

Getting a pet bed is the ninth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Providing your dog with its own designated sleeping area helps confine the majority of shedding to that specific space.

When your dog has a comfortable bed of its own, it is less likely to jump onto your bed and leave behind hair. Choose a pet bed with a removable and washable cover for easy cleaning and maintenance.

This way, you can prevent excessive dog hair from transferring onto your bed sheets.

10. Use Patterned Or Printed Bedding

Using patterned or printed bedding is the tenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Opting for bedding with patterns or prints can help camouflage and minimize the appearance of dog hair.

The visual distractions created by the patterns can make the hair less noticeable, giving the illusion of a cleaner surface.

Additionally, patterns with busier designs can make it harder for individual hairs to stand out.

However, it’s important to note that regular cleaning and maintenance are still necessary to keep the sheets free from accumulated hair.

11. Try Obedience Training

Obedience training is the eleventh effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Through obedience training, you can teach your dog boundaries and reinforce commands, such as staying off furniture or staying in designated areas.

By training your dog to stay off the bed, you can significantly reduce the amount of dog hair that ends up on your sheets.

Why is my dog scratching my bed sheets?

Consistent training and reinforcement of these boundaries can help create a habit for your dog to avoid accessing the bed altogether, keeping it free from hair accumulation.

12. Close your bedroom door

Closing your bedroom door is the twelfth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. By keeping the bedroom door closed, you create a physical barrier that prevents your dog from entering the room and accessing your bed.

This helps to limit the amount of dog hair that can make its way onto your sheets. It is especially useful when you are not present or during times when you prefer to keep your bed hair-free, such as when you are not sleeping or when guests visit.

13. Use Sticky Roller

Using a sticky roller is the thirteenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. A sticky roller, also known as a lint roller, has adhesive sheets that can be easily rolled over the surface of your sheets to pick up dog hair.

The sticky surface attracts and collects the loose hairs, leaving your sheets cleaner. This method is quick and convenient, allowing you to remove dog hair effectively before or after sleeping.

Keep a sticky roller handy in your bedroom for regular use in maintaining hair-free bedding.

14. Use Rubber Gloves

Using rubber gloves is the fourteenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and dampen them slightly. Then, run your gloved hands over the surface of your sheets.

The rubber material creates static electricity, which helps attract and collect the dog hair. The gloves effectively gather the hair into clumps that can be easily picked up and disposed of.

This method is a simple and inexpensive way to remove dog hair from your sheets without the need for additional tools or equipment.

15. Sponge

Using a sponge is the fifteenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Dampen a clean sponge and gently glide it over the surface of your sheets.

The slightly wet sponge helps to gather and lift the dog hair from the fabric. Rinse the sponge as needed to remove collected hair, and continue until you have covered the entire surface.

This method is particularly useful for removing lighter or scattered dog hair and can be easily done without causing any damage to your sheets.

16. Vacuum

Using a vacuum is the sixteenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a handheld vacuum designed for upholstery.

Run the vacuum over the surface of your bed sheets to effectively remove loose dog hair. The suction power of the vacuum helps to lift and collect the hair from the fabric.

Be thorough in your vacuuming, paying extra attention to areas where your dog frequently rests.

Regular vacuuming can significantly reduce the amount of dog hair on your bed sheets and maintain a cleaner sleeping environment.

17. Shake the Blanket Outside

Shaking the blanket outside is the seventeenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Take your blanket outside and give it a good shake to dislodge and remove the dog hair.

The action of shaking helps to loosen and release the hair from the fabric, allowing it to fall off outside rather than onto your bed sheets.

This method is particularly useful for large blankets or comforters that may accumulate a significant amount of dog hair. It’s a quick and simple way to reduce the amount of hair on your bedding.

18. Try Dryer Sheets

Using dryer sheets is the eighteenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Place a dryer sheet in the dryer along with your sheets when laundering them.

The sheets release a static-reducing agent and a light fragrance that helps to repel and loosen dog hair. As the sheets tumble in the dryer, they help to minimize the clinging of hair to the fabric.

This method can make it easier to remove hair from the sheets after laundering, resulting in cleaner and less hairy bedding.

19. Add Fabric Softener

Using dryer sheets is the eighteenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Place a dryer sheet in the dryer along with your sheets when laundering them.

The sheets release a static-reducing agent and a light fragrance that helps to repel and loosen dog hair. As the sheets tumble in the dryer, they help to minimize the clinging of hair to the fabric.

This method can make it easier to remove hair from the sheets after laundering, resulting in cleaner and less hairy bedding.

20. Use Pumice (or another, similar rock)

Using pumice or another similar rock is the nineteenth effective way to keep dog hair off your bed sheets. Take a pumice stone or a rock with a similar texture and gently rub it over the surface of your sheets.

The porous and abrasive nature of the rock helps to loosen and collect the dog hair from the fabric.

Why is my dog scratching my bed sheets?

This method is particularly effective for removing embedded or stubborn hair that may be difficult to remove with other techniques.

Be gentle to avoid damaging the fabric, and repeat as necessary to achieve desired results.


When it comes to choosing bedding for pet owners, there are a few options that can help keep dog hair off your bed sheets more effectively:

  1. Microfiber sheets: Microfiber is a tightly woven fabric that resists hair and is less likely to trap it. It creates a smoother surface, making it easier to brush off or vacuum loose hair.
  2. Moisture-wicking or moisture-resistant bedding: Look for bedding that has moisture-wicking properties or is moisture-resistant. These types of fabrics help repel hair and prevent it from sticking to the sheets.
  3. Pet hair-resistant bedding: Some bedding options are specifically designed to resist pet hair. These fabrics have anti-static properties and are less likely to attract and hold onto dog hair.
  4. Patterned or textured bedding: Choosing bedding with patterns or textured designs can help camouflage dog hair and make it less visible. This can give the illusion of cleaner sheets even when some hair is present.
  5. Bedding with removable covers: Opt for bedding with removable and washable covers. This allows you to easily remove and clean the covers, effectively removing any accumulated dog hair.
  6. Waterproof or protective mattress covers: Place a waterproof or protective mattress cover underneath your bed sheets. These covers not only protect your mattress from accidents but also act as an additional barrier against dog hair.

Remember, in addition to choosing the right bedding, it is essential to follow preventive measures such as regular grooming, cleaning, and keeping your dog’s sleeping area separate from your bed to minimize the amount of dog hair that ends up on your sheets.

How To Remove Pet Hair From Bedding Even After Washing

1. Choosing Pet-Friendly Bedding

Choosing pet-friendly bedding is the first method to remove pet hair from bedding even after washing.

Opt for materials like microfiber or tightly woven fabrics that naturally repel pet hair. These fabrics make it easier for pet hair to be released during the washing process.

Additionally, using a fabric softener or dryer sheets can help loosen and release any remaining pet hair from the bedding fibers.

This combination of pet-friendly materials and fabric treatments will aid in effectively removing pet hair from your bedding after washing.

2. Bed Protector For Pets

Using a bed protector specifically designed for pets is the second method to remove pet hair from bedding even after washing. These protectors create an additional barrier between your pet and the bedding, preventing excessive hair from accumulating.

After washing, simply remove the bed protector along with the trapped pet hair. Choose a protector that is waterproof and easily washable to ensure thorough cleaning.

This way, the majority of pet hair will be contained within the protector, making it easier to keep your bedding hair-free.

3. Groom Dog Frequently

Grooming your dog frequently is the third method to remove pet hair from bedding even after washing. Regular brushing and grooming sessions help to remove loose and shedding hair from your dog’s coat before it has a chance to transfer onto the bedding.

By keeping your dog’s coat well-maintained, you can significantly reduce the amount of hair that ends up on the bedding.

This, in turn, makes it easier to remove any remaining pet hair during the washing process, ensuring cleaner and hair-free bedding.

4. Choosing The Right Fabrics

Choosing the right fabrics is the fourth method to remove pet hair from bedding even after washing.

Opt for bedding made from materials that repel pet hair, such as microfiber or tightly woven fabrics. These fabrics prevent hair from sticking and make it easier to remove during washing.

Avoid materials like velvet or corduroy that tend to trap hair. Additionally, consider using a fabric softener or dryer sheets when washing to help loosen and release any remaining pet hair from the bedding fibers.

5. Get A Pet Bed

Getting a pet bed is the fifth method to remove pet hair from bedding even after washing. Providing your pet with their own designated bed can help contain the majority of shedding and hair accumulation.

By redirecting your pet to their own bed, you minimize the amount of hair transferred to your bedding. Regularly wash and maintain the pet bed to keep it free from excess hair.

This way, when you wash your bedding, you’ll have less pet hair to contend with, resulting in cleaner and more hair-free sheets.

6. Extra Pair Of Sheets

Having an extra pair of sheets is the sixth method to remove pet hair from bedding even after washing.

After washing your bedding, if you still find some pet hair on the sheets, having an extra set allows you to quickly replace them. Simply remove the freshly washed sheets and replace them with the clean ones.

This way, you can enjoy hair-free bedding without the frustration of finding lingering pet hair. Launder the used sheets separately to remove the pet hair before storing them for future use.

How To Get Dog Hair Off Sheets

Dryer Sheets

Dryer sheets are an effective method to get dog hair off sheets. Simply take a dryer sheet and rub it over the surface of the sheets.

The anti-static properties of the dryer sheet help to reduce static cling, making it easier for the dog hair to loosen and release from the fabric.

The sheet attracts and traps the hair, preventing it from reattaching to the sheets. Repeat this process until you have covered the entire surface, and then shake off or vacuum any collected hair.

Fabric Softener

Using fabric softener is a helpful step to get dog hair off sheets. When washing your sheets, add a fabric softener to the laundry cycle. The softener helps to reduce static electricity and loosen the dog hair from the fabric fibers.

This makes it easier for the hair to be washed away during the rinse cycle.

Once the sheets are dried, you can further remove any remaining hair by shaking them outside or using a lint roller. The fabric softener aids in minimizing hair accumulation and leaves your sheets feeling soft and fresh.

Related faq’s

How do I keep my dog’s hair out of my bedroom?

To keep your dog’s hair out of your bedroom, here are some strategies you can try:

  1. Establish boundaries: Train your dog to stay out of your bedroom by setting clear boundaries and reinforcing them consistently.
  2. Close the bedroom door: Keep your bedroom door closed at all times to prevent your dog from entering. This simple step can effectively keep dog hair from accumulating in your bedroom.
  3. Use baby gates or barriers: If closing the door isn’t an option, use baby gates or barriers to block off access to your bedroom. This allows you to maintain a dog-free zone where hair won’t accumulate.
  4. Create a comfortable alternative space: Provide your dog with their own cozy and comfortable area outside your bedroom, such as a dog bed or crate. Encourage them to use this space instead of entering your bedroom.
  5. Regular grooming: Regularly groom your dog to minimize shedding. Brushing their coat frequently and using tools designed to reduce shedding can help control the amount of loose hair that ends up in your bedroom.
  6. Use pet-friendly furniture covers: If your dog has access to furniture in your bedroom, use pet-friendly furniture covers that are easy to clean and remove. These covers can help protect your furniture from dog hair.
  7. Clean and vacuum regularly: Clean and vacuum your bedroom regularly to remove any stray dog hair that may have made its way in. Use a vacuum cleaner with a pet hair attachment or a lint roller to effectively remove hair from surfaces.

By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the presence of dog hair in your bedroom and maintain a cleaner and hair-free environment.

How do you get dog hair off a bed without washing it?

To remove dog hair from a bed without washing it, you can try the following methods:

  1. Use a lint roller: Roll a sticky lint roller over the surface of the bed to collect and remove dog hair. Start from one side and work your way across the entire bed, pressing firmly to ensure the roller picks up the hair effectively.
  2. Use a pet hair removal brush or glove: Specialized brushes or gloves designed to remove pet hair can be effective in loosening and gathering dog hair from the bed. Brush or rub the surface of the bed in one direction, collecting the hair into clumps that can be easily picked up.
  3. Use a damp cloth or rubber glove: Dampen a cloth or wear a rubber glove and run it across the bed. The moisture or static electricity created will help attract and gather the dog hair, making it easier to collect and remove.
  4. Vacuum the bed: Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a handheld vacuum to thoroughly vacuum the bed, focusing on areas with visible hair. The vacuum’s suction will pull up the loose hair from the surface.
  5. Use adhesive tape or masking tape: Wrap a piece of adhesive or masking tape around your hand with the sticky side facing outwards. Pat the bed surface with the tape, pressing it against the hair to lift it off.

Remember to repeat these methods as necessary until the majority of the dog hair is removed.

Regular grooming of your dog and preventive measures like using blankets or covers on the bed can help minimize the amount of hair that ends up on the bed in the first place.

How do you get dog hair out of a fabric bed?

To remove dog hair from a fabric bed, you can try the following methods:

Lint roller or adhesive tape: Use a lint roller or wrap adhesive tape around your hand with the sticky side facing out. Gently press and roll the roller or tape over the fabric bed, collecting the dog hair as you go. Repeat until most of the hair is removed.

Rubber glove or damp cloth: Put on a rubber glove or dampen a cloth slightly. Rub the fabric bed in one direction, and the static electricity or moisture will help attract and gather the dog hair. Wipe or rinse off the glove or cloth as it accumulates hair.

Vacuum cleaner with brush attachment: Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to vacuum the fabric bed thoroughly. The brush attachment will agitate the fabric, dislodging the dog hair, while the suction of the vacuum will remove it.

Fabric or upholstery brush: Brush the fabric bed with a fabric or upholstery brush. The bristles will help loosen the dog hair from the fabric, making it easier to collect and remove.

Fabric-safe pet hair remover sprays: Spray a fabric-safe pet hair remover onto the bed. These sprays typically work by loosening the hair from the fabric, allowing it to be easily wiped away or vacuumed.

Wash or shake the bed outside: If possible, remove the fabric bed cover and wash it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Alternatively, you can take the bed outside and shake it vigorously to dislodge the dog hair.

How do you get dog hair off a bed without a lint roller?

If you don’t have a lint roller available, there are still several effective ways to remove dog hair from a bed:

Use masking or packing tape: Wrap a piece of masking or packing tape around your hand with the sticky side facing out. Gently press and pat the bed surface with your taped hand, allowing the tape to pick up the dog hair. Replace the tape as needed until most of the hair is removed.

Damp rubber glove or sponge: Dampen a rubber glove or sponge and run it across the bed surface. The moisture will help gather the dog hair, making it easier to collect. Rinse off the glove or sponge as it accumulates hair.

Use a damp cloth: Moisten a cloth with water and wring out any excess moisture. Wipe the bed surface in one direction, using the slightly damp cloth to gather and pick up the dog hair. Rinse the cloth as needed.

Sticky tape or adhesive pads: Cut strips of sticky tape or use adhesive pads and press them onto the bed surface. Pat the tape or pads against the hair to pick it up. Repeat with fresh tape or pads until the majority of the hair is removed.

Use a rubber brush or squeegee: Rub a rubber brush or squeegee across the bed surface, applying light pressure. The rubber material will attract the dog hair, allowing you to collect it in clumps or rolls.

Use a damp rubber broom: Dampen a rubber broom slightly and sweep it over the bed surface. The rubber bristles will help gather the dog hair, making it easier to remove. Rinse off the broom as needed.

Remember to repeat these methods as necessary until you have removed most of the dog hair. Regular grooming of your dog and implementing preventive measures can help minimize the amount of hair that ends up on the bed.


In conclusion, keeping dog hair off bed sheets doesn’t have to be a never-ending battle. By implementing a few simple strategies and making them a part of your routine, you can enjoy a clean and hair-free sleeping environment.

Regular grooming and brushing sessions will help minimize shedding, while designated dog-free zones in the bedroom can provide a safe haven for your sheets.

Investing in washable pet-friendly bed covers and using lint rollers or pet hair removers can also work wonders in maintaining a hair-free bed.

Remember, consistency is key, so make sure to stick to your chosen strategies and enjoy a fur-free night’s sleep!


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