How to

How to keep dog hair off bed?

Struggling with dog hair invading your cozy bed? We’ve got you covered! Say goodbye to constant fur battles and hello to a pristine sleeping sanctuary.

Discover simple yet effective strategies to keep dog hair off your bed for good.

From grooming tips to smart bedding choices, get ready to reclaim your hair-free haven!

Let dive deep. Here why does my dog dig on me bed at night?

Tips On How To Get Dog Hair Off Bed

Clean Bedding Frequently

To eliminate dog hair from your bed, try using a sticky roller. This handy tool has adhesive sheets that pick up pet hair effectively.

Roll the sticky roller over the bed’s surface to collect the hair. It’s a quick and simple method to keep your bed free from unwanted fur.

Use Sticky Roller

To remove dog hair from your bed, consider using rubber gloves. Put on a pair of slightly damp rubber gloves and run your hands across the bed’s surface.

The hair will stick to the gloves due to static electricity and moisture. Rinse the gloves as needed, and repeat until the bed is hair-free. Here check out why you shouldn’t let your dog sleep in your bed.

Use Rubber Gloves

To remove dog hair from your bed, try using a sponge. Dampen the sponge slightly and run it over the bed’s surface. The hair will stick to the sponge due to its texture and moisture.

Rinse the sponge as needed and continue until you’ve cleared the bed of any dog hair.


To get rid of dog hair from your bed, use a vacuum cleaner with a brush or upholstery attachment. Run the vacuum over the bed’s surface to suction up the hair effectively.

Pay attention to seams and crevices where hair may accumulate. Vacuuming regularly will help keep your bed free from dog hair.


To remove dog hair from your bed, employ a lint roller. This sticky tape roller is designed to pick up pet hair efficiently.

How to keep dog hair off bed?

Roll the lint roller over the bed’s surface, pressing down to collect the hair. Replace the tape as needed. It’s a quick and effective method to keep your bed hair-free.

Using Lint Roller

To eliminate dog hair from your bed, try using rubber gloves. Dampen a pair of rubber gloves and run your hands across the bed’s surface.

The hair will stick to the gloves due to static electricity and moisture. Rinse the gloves as needed and repeat until your bed is hair-free. Here why does your dog lick you before bed?

Make Use Of Rubber Gloves

To eliminate dog hair from your bed, try using rubber gloves. Dampen a pair of rubber gloves and run your hands across the bed’s surface.

The hair will stick to the gloves due to static electricity and moisture. Rinse the gloves as needed and repeat until your bed is hair-free.


To remove dog hair from your bed, wash the bedding regularly. Launder sheets, pillowcases, and blankets in the washing machine using pet hair-friendly detergent.

After washing, use a dryer with a low heat setting or a lint roller to further eliminate any remaining hair. This helps keep your bed clean and hair-free.

Using The Rubber Sole of your Shoes

To remove dog hair from your bed, try using the rubber sole of your shoes. Put on clean rubber-soled shoes and rub them gently across the bed’s surface.

The hair will adhere to the rubber due to its texture. Repeat as needed until your bed is free from dog hair.

The Use Of Rubber Broom

To get rid of dog hair from your bed, utilize a rubber broom. The rubber bristles create static electricity that attracts and collects the hair effectively.

Run the broom over the bed’s surface, and then gather the accumulated hair for disposal. It’s a useful tool to keep your bed clean and hair-free.

Inflated Balloon

To remove dog hair from your bed, use an inflated balloon. Rub the balloon gently across the bed’s surface, and the static electricity will attract the pet hair. The hair will stick to the balloon, making it easier to collect and dispose of the unwanted fur.

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A Dry or Damp Kitchen Sponge

To remove dog hair from your bed, use a dry or damp kitchen sponge. Run the sponge over the bed’s surface, and the hair will stick to it due to static electricity and moisture.

Rinse the sponge as needed and continue until your bed is free from dog hair.

Explore the Sellotape Method

To remove dog hair from your bed, try the Sellotape (or Scotch tape) method. Wrap a piece of tape around your hand, sticky side out, and pat the bed’s surface.

Why does my dog lick me a lot before bed?

The tape will pick up the pet hair effectively. Repeat the process until the bed is hair-free. Dispose of the used tape afterward.

Try Preventive Measures

To reduce dog hair on your bed, implement preventive measures. Brush your dog regularly to minimize shedding. Use a washable pet bed cover that can be easily removed and washed.

Keep your dog off the bed when shedding is heavy. Regularly vacuum the bedroom to reduce hair buildup.

How To Remove Pet Hair From Bedding Even After Washing

Choosing Pet-Friendly Bedding

To remove pet hair from bedding even after washing, opt for pet-friendly bedding materials. Choose fabrics that repel hair and are easy to clean, such as microfiber or tightly-woven cotton.

Using a lint roller or a damp rubber glove after washing can also help remove any remaining hair from the bedding.

Bed Protector For Pets

To remove pet hair from bedding even after washing, use a bed protector specifically designed for pets. These protective covers act as a barrier against pet hair, making it easier to wash off.

The cover can be easily removed and laundered separately, keeping your bedding clean and hair-free.

Groom Dog Frequently

To remove pet hair from bedding even after washing, groom your dog frequently. Regular brushing helps reduce shedding, resulting in less hair on the bedding.

Use a lint roller or sticky tape to pick up any loose hair. Washing your dog’s paws before bedtime can also minimize hair transfer onto the bedding.

Choosing The Right Fabrics

To remove pet hair from bedding even after washing, opt for the right fabrics. Choose materials like microfiber, tightly-woven cotton, or linen, as they repel hair and make it easier to remove.

Avoid fabrics with a lot of texture, which can trap hair. Using a lint roller or rubber glove can further help remove any remaining hair.

Get A Pet Bed

To remove pet hair from bedding even after washing, provide your pet with their own bed. This helps contain their shedding to a specific area, reducing hair on your bedding.

Wash the pet bed regularly, and use a lint roller or sticky tape to remove any stray hair from your bedding.

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Extra Pair Of Sheets

To remove pet hair from bedding even after washing, use an extra pair of sheets as a protective layer. Place the spare set over your main sheets, acting as a barrier against pet hair.

When it’s time to wash, simply remove the top layer, revealing clean bedding underneath.

Now let’s move forward to how to get dog hair of sheets.

How To Get Dog Hair Off Sheets

1. Dryer Sheets

To get dog hair off sheets, use dryer sheets. Rub a dryer sheet over the sheets to create an anti-static barrier that helps loosen and repel pet hair.

The hair will cling to the dryer sheet, making it easier to collect and dispose of. Wash the sheets afterward to remove any remaining hair.

2. Fabric Softener

To get dog hair off sheets, try using fabric softener. Add fabric softener to the wash cycle when laundering the sheets. This will help loosen the pet hair and prevent it from sticking to the fabric.

After washing, use a lint roller or a damp rubber glove to further remove any remaining hair.

How to remove dog hair from bed sheets

1. Apply Grooming Brush

To remove dog hair from bed sheets, start by using a grooming brush. Brush your dog before bedtime to reduce shedding.

Lay the bed sheets flat and lightly brush them with the grooming brush to lift and collect the hair. Wash the sheets afterward to remove any remaining hair.

2. Explore Soft Fabric

To remove dog hair from bed sheets, opt for soft fabric choices. Fabrics like microfiber or high-thread-count cotton tend to repel hair and make it easier to remove.

After washing, use a lint roller or sticky tape to lift any remaining hair from the sheets.

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Related faq’s

How do I stop my dogs hair from getting everywhere?

To minimize dog hair around your home, groom your dog regularly to reduce shedding. Use a pet-friendly vacuum with a HEPA filter, and brush your dog outdoors.

Use washable pet bed covers and keep your dog off furniture if possible. Regularly clean and vacuum to manage any loose hair.

What bed sheets keep dog hair off?

Bed sheets made from materials like microfiber, tightly-woven cotton, or linen are excellent at repelling dog hair and keeping it off the surface.

These fabrics minimize hair buildup and make it easier to remove any stray hairs. Regular washing and using a lint roller can further help keep the sheets hair-free.

How do you deal with pet hair everywhere?

To manage pet hair, groom your pet regularly to reduce shedding. Use a pet-friendly vacuum with a HEPA filter and consider washable pet bed covers. Use lint rollers, rubber gloves, or sticky tape for furniture and clothing.

Regular cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting can help keep pet hair under control.

How do you get dog hair off a bed without a lint roller?

To remove dog hair from a bed without a lint roller, use alternative methods like using rubber gloves, sticky tape, or a damp sponge.

The static electricity from rubber gloves attracts hair, while sticky tape collects it. A damp sponge helps lift hair due to its texture. Vacuuming with a brush attachment can also be effective.


To effectively keep dog hair off the bed, regular grooming and brushing of the dog, using a washable pet cover on the bed, and ensuring the dog has its designated sleeping area are essential steps.

Consistency and maintenance will help create a clean and hair-free sleeping space for both the dog and its owner.


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