
How to block dogs from going under the bed?

Do you find yourself constantly retrieving your furry friend from under the bed? While dogs love exploring tight spaces, allowing them access to areas like under the bed can create issues for both pets and owners.

Whether it’s to prevent disturbances, protect your belongings, or simply keep your dog out of harm’s way, blocking off these hidden spaces is essential. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to discourage your dog from crawling under the bed.

In this guide, we’ll explore practical solutions to help you maintain a peaceful and orderly home, ensuring your canine companion stays safely above ground.

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How to block dogs from going under the bed?

To block dogs from going under the bed, consider these strategies:

  1. Bed Skirt or Fabric: Use a bed skirt or attach a fabric around the bed’s base to cover the gap. This creates a physical barrier that can deter dogs from crawling underneath.
  2. Under-Bed Barrier: Install a metal or plastic barrier along the bed’s base. These barriers are available in various sizes and can be easily cut to fit.
  3. Storage Bins: Place large storage bins or boxes under the bed to fill the space. This not only blocks access but also helps keep the area organized.
  4. Dog Training: Train your dog to avoid the area under the bed. Use positive reinforcement techniques to redirect their attention.
  5. Furniture Risers: Elevate the bed with risers to increase the gap between the floor and the bed, making it less accessible.

Combining these methods can effectively keep your dog out from under the bed.

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5 Steps to block dogs from going under the bed

1. Use a Bed Skirt or Fabric

Attach a bed skirt or fabric around the base of the bed. Choose a material that matches your decor and is durable enough to withstand your dog’s attempts to push or pull it.

Secure the fabric tightly with Velcro or adhesive strips to ensure it stays in place. This creates a visual and physical barrier that discourages your dog from trying to get underneath. Ensure the fabric is long enough to cover the entire perimeter of the bed to prevent any gaps where your dog might slip through.

2. Install an Under-Bed Barrier

Purchase or craft a metal or plastic barrier specifically designed to block spaces under furniture. Measure the dimensions of the gap between the bed and the floor to select or cut the barrier to fit snugly.

Install the barrier along the bed’s base, securing it with screws or adhesive if necessary. This method provides a solid, inflexible barrier that is difficult for dogs to bypass. Ensure the barrier is tall enough to prevent your dog from squeezing underneath, and check it regularly to ensure it remains securely in place.

3. Place Large Storage Bins

Utilize large storage bins or boxes to fill the space under the bed. Choose bins that are sturdy and tall enough to block the gap completely. Arrange them in a way that they cover the entire area under the bed, making sure there are no spaces for your dog to squeeze through.

This method not only blocks access but also helps in organizing the under-bed space, making it more difficult for your dog to maneuver around or displace the bins. Ensure the bins are heavy enough so they don’t easily move or get pushed aside.

4. Train Your Dog

Use positive reinforcement training to discourage your dog from going under the bed. Start by redirecting your dog’s attention with treats or toys when they approach the bed. Reward them for staying away from the area.

How to block dogs from going under the bed?

Consistently reinforce this behavior by using commands and rewards to build a strong association with avoiding the space under the bed. Training takes time and patience, so be persistent and consistent with your commands and rewards to achieve the best results.

5. Elevate the Bed with Risers

Install furniture risers to elevate the bed, increasing the distance between the floor and the underside of the bed. Choose risers that are sturdy and can support the weight of the bed and its occupants.

The increased height will make the space under the bed less accessible to your dog, reducing their ability to crawl underneath. Ensure the risers are evenly placed to maintain the bed’s stability and avoid tipping. This method is effective for preventing access without altering the appearance of the room or requiring additional tools.

5 Ways to block dogs from going under the bed 

1. Use a Bed Skirt

A bed skirt is a simple and effective solution to block dogs from going under the bed. Choose a bed skirt that matches your room’s decor and fits the height of your bed. Attach the skirt around the bed’s base, ensuring it hangs low enough to cover the gap completely.

This not only creates a barrier but also adds a decorative touch to the room. Secure the skirt with Velcro or adhesive strips if needed to prevent it from being pushed aside. Regularly check the skirt to ensure it remains properly in place.

2. Install an Under-Bed Barrier

An under-bed barrier can be a metal or plastic panel that blocks access. Measure the gap between the bed and the floor to ensure you select or cut a barrier that fits perfectly.

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Secure the barrier along the bed’s base using screws or adhesive strips. This method provides a solid, physical block that prevents dogs from crawling under the bed. Check the barrier periodically to make sure it hasn’t shifted or become loose, as even a small gap can be an invitation for your dog to investigate.

3. Use Storage Bins

Large storage bins or boxes can effectively block the space under the bed. Choose bins that are tall and sturdy enough to cover the entire area. Arrange the bins so they fill the gap completely, making sure there are no spaces where your dog can slip through.

This method not only prevents access but also helps with organization. Ensure the bins are heavy enough that your dog can’t easily move or dislodge them. This solution is practical and can also serve as extra storage space in your home.

4. Train Your Dog

Training your dog to avoid going under the bed is a behavioral approach that requires consistency. Start by teaching commands such as “leave it” or “stay” whenever your dog approaches the bed. Use positive reinforcement, like treats or praise, to reward your dog for staying away from the area.

Redirect their attention with toys or other activities to keep them occupied and less interested in the space under the bed. With patience and consistent training, your dog will learn to avoid the area and stay away from the bed’s underside.

5. Elevate the Bed

Using furniture risers to elevate the bed can effectively block access to the space underneath. Choose risers that are appropriate for the weight and size of your bed. Install the risers at each corner of the bed to lift it and increase the clearance between the bed and the floor.

The added height reduces the gap, making it less accessible for your dog. Ensure the bed remains stable after installation and regularly check that the risers are securely in place. This method is practical and requires minimal maintenance once set up.

5 Methods to block dog from going under the bed

1. Use a Bed Skirt

A bed skirt is a straightforward solution to block your dog from getting under the bed. Choose a bed skirt that fits the height of your bed and covers the entire base. Attach the skirt around the bed using Velcro or adhesive strips to ensure it stays in place. The skirt will act as a barrier, preventing your dog from accessing the space beneath.

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This method is effective and adds a decorative element to your bedroom. Regularly check the skirt to ensure it remains properly attached and covers the area without gaps.

2. Install an Under-Bed Barrier

An under-bed barrier, made from materials like metal or plastic, can block access effectively. Measure the gap between the bed and the floor to ensure you get a barrier that fits well.

Attach the barrier around the base of the bed using screws or adhesive strips. This creates a physical barrier that prevents your dog from getting under the bed. Check the barrier periodically to make sure it remains securely in place and hasn’t shifted or become loose, as even a small gap can invite your dog to investigate.

3. Use Storage Bins

Large storage bins or boxes can block the space under the bed while providing additional storage. Select bins that are tall and sturdy enough to cover the entire under-bed area.

Place the bins in a way that they fill the gap completely, ensuring there are no spaces your dog could squeeze through. This method effectively prevents your dog from accessing the area and helps organize your space. Make sure the bins are heavy and stable so your dog can’t move them easily.

4. Train Your Dog

Training your dog to stay away from under the bed can be an effective behavioral approach. Use commands such as “leave it” or “stay” when your dog approaches the area. Reward them with treats or praise for obeying the commands and redirect their attention to other activities.

Consistent training helps your dog learn that the area under the bed is off-limits. Be patient and persistent, as it may take some time for your dog to consistently avoid the space.

5. Elevate the Bed

Elevating the bed with furniture risers is a practical way to block access to the space underneath. Choose risers that can support the weight of your bed and provide enough height to reduce the gap. Install the risers under each bed leg to lift the bed higher off the ground.

The increased height makes it difficult for your dog to fit under the bed. Ensure the bed remains stable and the risers are securely in place. This method requires minimal ongoing maintenance and effectively prevents your dog from accessing the space.

Related faq’s

How to prevent my puppy from going under the bed?

To prevent your puppy from going under the bed, use a combination of physical barriers and training. Install a bed skirt or fabric around the bed’s base to block access.

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Alternatively, use under-bed barriers or storage bins to fill the space. Elevate the bed with furniture risers to reduce the gap between the bed and the floor. Additionally, train your puppy by redirecting their attention and using commands like “leave it” or “stay.”

Reward them for staying away from the area to reinforce positive behavior. Consistent use of these methods will help keep your puppy from going under the bed.

For puppy proofing, how do you block on areas under the bed and other furniture?

To puppy-proof areas under the bed and other furniture, use physical barriers and training. Install bed skirts or attach fabric around the furniture’s base to block access. Place storage bins or large boxes under the furniture to fill the gaps.

Use furniture risers to elevate pieces, reducing the space beneath. Additionally, train your puppy by redirecting their attention away from these areas and using commands like “leave it” or “no.” Reward them for avoiding the restricted zones.

Combining these physical and behavioral strategies will help keep your puppy from accessing unwanted spaces under furniture.

How do I keep my dog from hiding under the bed?

To keep your dog from hiding under the bed, use a combination of barriers and training. Install a bed skirt or fabric around the base to block access, or place storage bins under the bed to fill the space. You can also elevate the bed with furniture risers to reduce the gap.

How to block dogs from going under the bed?

Additionally, train your dog by redirecting their attention with toys or commands like “come” and rewarding them for staying away from the area.

Ensure your dog has a comfortable, designated space to retreat to so they’re less likely to seek out hiding spots under the bed.

How do you block an underbed from a cat?

To block a cat from accessing under the bed, use physical barriers and deterrents. Install a bed skirt or attach a fabric around the base to close off the space.

Alternatively, use under-bed barriers like metal or plastic panels that fit snugly. Place large storage bins or boxes under the bed to fill the gap.

You can also elevate the bed with furniture risers to reduce the clearance. Additionally, use deterrent sprays or double-sided tape on the floor near the bed to discourage the cat from approaching. Ensure your cat has other comfortable spaces to explore and rest.

How can I keep my dog from going under bed at night?

To keep your dog from going under the bed at night, start by using physical barriers such as bed skirts or fabric to block access. Place storage bins or large boxes under the bed to fill the space. Elevate the bed with furniture risers to reduce the clearance.

Establish a comfortable, designated sleeping area for your dog with their bed or crate, encouraging them to use it instead. Additionally, ensure they get plenty of exercise and mental stimulation during the day to reduce nighttime restlessness. Consistently guide and reward them for staying in their designated sleeping spot.

My dog has become obsessed with going under the bed. We’ve blocked it off and she’s still obsessed. How to train this away?

To train your dog away from the obsession with going under the bed, use positive reinforcement techniques. Redirect your dog’s focus to a more engaging activity or toy whenever they approach the blocked area.

Use commands like “leave it” or “come” and reward them with treats or praise when they obey. Consistently reinforce this behavior to help them associate the area under the bed with a lack of reward.

Increase their exercise and mental stimulation to reduce restlessness and provide alternative comfortable spaces for them to relax. Patience and consistency are key to altering their behavior.

Ideas on how to block off the underside of my bed so pets can’t get under? About 6” in height, headboard side is against wall.

To block off the underside of your bed with a 6-inch clearance, consider these options:

Bed Skirt: Attach a bed skirt or fabric around the bed’s base, ensuring it extends to the floor and covers the gap.

Storage Bins: Place large, sturdy storage bins or boxes under the bed to fill the space and block access.

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Foam or Rubber Panels: Install foam or rubber panels cut to size along the bed’s perimeter to create a barrier.

Under-Bed Barrier: Use a metal or plastic under-bed barrier attached to the bed’s base.

Elevate Bed: Use furniture risers to increase clearance and reduce access.

How to keep very small puppy out from under bed?

To keep a very small puppy from going under the bed, use these methods:

Bed Skirt: Attach a bed skirt or fabric around the bed’s base, ensuring it covers the gap completely.

Foam or Rubber Padding: Place foam or rubber padding around the bed’s base to block the space.

Storage Bins: Use large storage bins or boxes to fill the area under the bed.

Elevate the Bed: Use furniture risers to lift the bed and reduce clearance.

Training: Redirect your puppy’s attention with toys or commands and reward them for staying away from the restricted area.

How to prevent a dog from going under bed?

To prevent a dog from going under the bed, start by using physical barriers such as a bed skirt or fabric to block access. Place storage bins or large boxes under the bed to fill the space. Alternatively, install a metal or plastic under-bed barrier to create a solid block.

Elevate the bed with furniture risers to reduce the clearance. Additionally, use positive reinforcement training by redirecting your dog’s attention with commands and rewards when they approach the area. Providing a comfortable and engaging alternative space for your dog to rest can also help divert their interest.

How do I stop my dog from sleeping under the bed?

To stop your dog from sleeping under the bed, block access with physical barriers such as a bed skirt or fabric around the base. Place storage bins or large boxes under the bed to fill the space. Alternatively, use furniture risers to elevate the bed, reducing the gap.

Provide a comfortable and appealing alternative sleeping area, such as a dog bed or crate, and encourage your dog to use it with treats and praise. Consistently redirect your dog from the under-bed area with commands and positive reinforcement. Ensure they have plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to reduce their desire to hide.

How do I keep my dog from crawling under my bed?

To keep your dog from crawling under your bed, use physical barriers like a bed skirt or fabric to cover the gap. Place large storage bins or boxes under the bed to fill the space. Alternatively, install an under-bed barrier or use foam or rubber padding along the bed’s base.

Elevate the bed with furniture risers to reduce the clearance. Additionally, train your dog by redirecting their attention with commands and rewards when they approach the area. Ensure your dog has a comfortable and engaging alternative space to retreat to, helping to reduce their interest in crawling under the bed.

How do I stop my dog from running under my bed?

To stop your dog from running under your bed, start by blocking access with physical barriers like a bed skirt or fabric that covers the gap. Use storage bins or large boxes to fill the space underneath. Alternatively, install an under-bed barrier or foam padding around the bed’s base.

Elevate the bed with furniture risers to minimize clearance. Reinforce training by redirecting your dog with commands and positive rewards when they approach the area. Provide an engaging and comfortable alternative space for your dog to play or rest, reducing their interest in running under the bed.


Blocking dogs from going under the bed requires a combination of physical barriers and behavioral strategies. Start by installing bed skirts, using storage bins, or placing barriers like foam or metal panels to close off the space. Elevating the bed with furniture risers can also help reduce clearance.

Alongside these methods, consistent training is essential. Redirect your dog’s attention and use positive reinforcement to reward them for staying away from the restricted area.

Providing an alternative comfortable space for your dog to rest will further reduce their desire to explore under the bed. Combining these approaches ensures effective and lasting results.

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